Chapter 4 - I get answers... Sort of

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I sit with Alex in the kitchen. We each have a strawberry smoothie. He showed me around the entire mansion. Now, it's question time. First question,

"Alex," I ask. He looks over at me with a smoothie mustache. "Um, how did I end up here?"

"Your mum drove you here."

"How did she know about this place?"

 "No idea"

That was really helpful.

 "Am I really an alien?"

 "Well" Alex sits up and stretches. "All of us here, our alien relative is far out. Like great, times 17 at least. Except Hylla. So, all of us are almost completely human."

 "Why do the aliens care about us" I know it’s a stupid question.  Good vs.  Evil and all that, but I still want to know any other details.

 "Uh, I don't... Know" he is suddenly very interested in the ground. His eyes are glued to it. This surprises me.  I don’t know much about this alien thing, but it looks like Alex is holding back information.  Wait… if they are after us for no specific reason then what am I threatening?

"So, then what's all this about the biggest threats? Threats to what?”

 "Who knows? They always have some plan. The biggest threats will be the most likely to stop it"

 "So that's why they care about us!"


 "You just said they have plans. Plans to what? Their evil so, probably plans to take over something or other right!"

 "Well, uh-". He seems uncomfortable, but he looks like he might have said more but I am on a role.

"And their plans are bad, so we have to stop them-"

 "Kylie!" Alex is looking at me like I've gone too far.

"Yes?" I ask, I’m confused, I don’t understand what I did to make him mad.   He opens his mouth to say something when a bell rang.

"Dinner." Alex tells me. And the kitchen fills with people.

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