Chapter 2

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Arthur lied in his bed, moaning one second balling the next, could this day get any worse? Then there was a knock on the door. Arthur soon jumped up remembering the mess he made on the floor and his hands were covered in bloody cuts.

"whoever that is it's probably just some door to door salesman so he wouldn't have to walk in." he got up, went down his stairs but when he opened the door, it was Alfred.

"W-W- Alfred, what are you doing here?" Arthur asked nervously trying to hide the shattered scene behind him.

" I came to visit! And you can't say no cuz the planes from here to America are booked and full, besides is it so bad I wanna see you? you really scared me when you didn't show up yesterday."

"O-oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you."

He froze in the doorway. What am I going to do I can't tell him to go home but I can't let him in he'll see everything!

"Hey you gunna let me in or not, bro?"

As Alfred attempted to walk in Arthur protested.

" NO! Please don't go in there," he pleaded as his head sunk and tears overwhelming his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me, you know."

"NO I CANT! You wouldn't understand. Not yet,......I can't tell you yet."

"Tell me what?!? Arthur, you need to tell me!" Alfred pleaded as he shook him. Their conversation was soon interrupted by a neighbor of Arthur's, Sara, he hated her; she always tried to take Alfred away.

" Hey guys! Alfred! When did you get here?"

"Uh, just now." Alfred answered in an obvious tone.

" Oh, how nice, hello Arthur how have you been you haven't been visiting me lately... Tell you what Arthur it looks like you weren't prepared for your guest, I could take dear Alfred out for awhile so you can, eh hem, clean up whatever it is that needs to be." Her tone was so rude especially when addressing Arthur. Normally Arthur would fight with her over whether or not Alfred was going to stay with him, but this time he needed Alfred to leave for awhile.

"But,um, Arthur is having trouble with something!" Alfred mention trying to get out of hanging with Sara.

" Oh, well then I'll talk with him inside, you can go wait at my car. I'll only be a moment."

As the two walked in Arthur knew this was a bad idea. As soon as Sara saw the bloody smashed vase she smirked.

"Oh Arthur, I would have never thought you would do something like this! Haha! But don't worry, I won't tell dear Alfred, you know what they say what they don't know won't hurt them. But if I do keep it a secret, you have to do something in return."

Arthur could already tell this was bad by her menacing smile, he had to do it though, for Alfred.

"What do you want?"

"Don't act so demanding, anyway I want you to do some undercover work then I want you to disappear and never talk to Alfred again."

Arthur froze, disappear? Never talk to Alfred again? Undercover work? What does she mean?!?

"Why would you ask me to do that?"

"Oh, shouldn't it be obvious? I want Alfred more than you and Alfred's never going to love you especially in this state,so will you or won't you? I need an answer."

"I-I- I'll do it."

"Good choice. Alright, when we come back I want you to ask him what he thinks of me this is part of your undercover work got it?"

"Yeah." Arthur murmured

"Good, we'll be back in an hour or so. Bye."

"That bitch, why? Why did I agree?! To protect Alfred," he told himself, trying to be reassuring to himself.


An hour later Alfred returned while Arthur was in the kitchen. Arthur heard a long relived sigh from Alfred

"You alright?"

Al walked to the kitchen to see the Brit.

"Yeah, better now cuz that whore isn't around." Alfred sighed again and put his hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Now Arthur something is going on, what is it? I can tell you're clearly stressed."

"Huh, oh nothing, I'm fine but thanks for your concern."

"Are you sure cuz if something's bothering you, you have to tell me, I don't like it when my friends suffer."

"There's that word again friends.... I think I'm beginning to hate that word." Arthur grumbled under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Alfred asked with a mouth full of food.

"Uh yeah, I'm going to bed. Your room is next to mine in the hallway up the stairs, good night."

"K, thanks, I'm gunna stay up and watch T.V."

Arthur tried to sleep that night but how could he? His thoughts were being tossed around and shaken. Now he really fucking hated Sara. What was he going to do? He sure as hell wasn't going to just disappear or would it be better for Alfred if he left? No, because Alfred was worried about him not showing at the meeting, he could only imagine how traumatized he would be if he left forever. *sigh*

"I just want more time, that's all." and with that Arthur had fallen asleep.


A week had passed and Sara had stopped asking him to ask Alfred things "Does this mean she's going to tell me to disappear? If that's the case I should just end me, myself, or would that be wrong? I don't know."

"Hey Arthur, is it ok if I use your shower?" Alfred shouted from his comfortable position on the couch.

"Sure, go right ahead." Arthur replayed from the kitchen. About two minutes after Alfred went to take a shower someone knocked on the door, Arthur was almost certain it was Sara. He would have to face her and tell her no, that he wasn't going to disappear!

"Hi! Oh it's you Arthur, *whisper* where's Alfred?"

"He went to take a shower, what do you want, why are you here?"

" Oh please don't act like you don't want me here and you should know why I'm here." Sara said smugly while sitting on the couch.

" I-I- I REFUSE TO LEAVE! I'm not going to disappear!" while Arthur started his rant Alfred began to walk down the stairs and heard Arthur's every word.

"I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU!, this is my house, mine!" he yelled gesturing to himself, tears began to fall and hit the cherry wood floor. "AND YOU KNOW WHAT SARA?!? I LOVE ALFRED AND IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET A WHORE LIKE YOU TAKE HIM AWAY, YOU'RE CRAZY!!!"

Nearly out of breath Arthur stood shaking with fear of what Sara might do.

"Oh Arthur, I wish you wouldn't say things like that." her smile turned to a frown as she got up and walked to Arthur. Alfred could now see what was happening, then without warning a loud slap then a thud resounded throughout the house.

"See Arthur, the truth is I'm actually a man but I knew Alfred wouldn't fall for me if I was a man so I simply got plastic surgery,if you know what I mean course I still have every thing else you do."

Hurt and out of breath Arthur was still able to muster a few words.

"You sorry excuse for an ASS HAT! GO TO HELL!"

"That wasn't very nice," Sara said harshly then kicked Arthur who coughed up blood. Alfred saw and heard everything he had to take action, but he was so shocked with the whole situation, soon he knew what to do.

~*kawaii neko-chan*~

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