Not the same..

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Brads pov

I got some sleep I suppose that was best but I kept tossing and turning around I couldn't stop thinking about what happened I knew I messed up. The next day I had to go record our new album and to be honest I couldn't be bothered no one would listen to it and no one would care... I got up and chucked on my jeans and top and put some toms on and walked out into the cab where I was greeted by Joe dean and the rest of the boys... I sat down and just looked at my phone I kept hovering over her number going to text her but then I just decided it would be best to delete her number I contemplated it for ages and I pressed the button to delete the number. ..

James pov

We got to the recording studio and we had all noticed that Brad wasn't himself Connor had warned us about what happened the night before and honestly I was worried we all tried to make him laugh it just didn't work... and honestly we didn't know how to cheer him up.. I started to record the guitar for the new album and it was going well and then I was finished after a few takes and then Connor went in to record the bass and then Tris went in to record drums. Then it was Brads turn... He was so quiet all he had done all morning is sat in the corner on his phone he got up go record but we could all tell there was no passion behind the vocals it was empty words. I guess Connor had a plan as he walked out..

Ellas pov

I woke up the next morning my head was pounding I looked over and saw the bottle on wine on the floor... my mum walked in I didn't move she gave me a massive lecture about drinking but honestly I never listened i couldn't deal with what happened I woke up and went to my room. I couldn't be bothered to get showered so I threw on my trackies and a white top and I saw Brads jumper left on my floor I picked it up and brought it up to my face it was amazing it smelt like brad I put it on and quickly brushed my hair and threw it into a messy bun and made my way downstairs...

Text from con con

Open your door xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I opened the door to see Connor standing there. He walked in and picked up my shoes and put them in a bag and picked up my keys I was amazed what was he doing... He pulled my hand but I refused he tickled me and picked me up and took me to the cab and sat me in there and ran back to lock my door we were sat in the cab nothing was said... Until he said 'Look I'm sorry you need to see brad...' I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked awful and I really didn't want to see him.

Text from jemzzz♡

Hey Els what's up! Um can you come the the studio I know you and brad aren't on good terms but he's broke over here

Brads pov

I couldnt feel anything... I missed her honestly we never dated but a part of me was missing joe called a break I came out of the booth and sat in the corner I broke down I just cried I looked at the floor so the boys couldn't see that I was upset... A pair of white converse.... The scent I looked up and there stood Ella... I went to speak but she spoke softly and said

'Brad don't say a word just listen'....

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