Chapter 1 - Kalum POV

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Kalum woke up suddenly. He was confused, questions were running through his head "Where am I? Who are they? Why are they here? Are they dead?". 

He got up from the cot and found himself in a beige room. 

He stretched absently, and looked around at the other people lying on the other cots.

 Next to him was a young man, with curly blond hair and stubble lining his jaw. 

The man was wearing flowy pants and a simple white T-shirt, and lots of necklaces. 

Next to the young man was a girl. She had long dark hair and an athletic build. 

She was wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and skinny jeans with black high top converse on her feet. 

There was a boy on the cot next to her. He was indian and had a long, lanky build.

 He was wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans. On the cot next to the indian boy was another girl. 

She had bright pink hair in two pigtails. She was clothed in what seemed like a school uniform, with a navy polo and khaki skirt. 

And finally, another boy was laying on the cot next to her. 

He had a small thin build and was wearing a blazer with a school logo emblazoned on it.

 Kalum looked down at what he was wearing. It was a simple gray T-shirt and cargo pants.

 He also noticed that he had dog tags around his neck. They read:





Kalum realized he must've been a marine. It was in that moment that Kalum realized he had no memories of his past. 

"I dunno if I was even married", Kalum thought. Kalum looked around the room once more and noticed a long mirror that took up most of the wall. 

He walked up to it, "It's a one way window" Kalum thought.

 He didn't know how he knew this but, it was true all the same. Kalum turned and walked to the only door in the room.

 He tried the handle, no luck. So he pounded on the door, but Kalum new there was no point, it was re-enforced steel. 

Kalum looked at the others. What was he going to do, how could he trust these people. 

The four kids looked like they were only in college. Kalum knew he wanted out.

 What ever this weird prank was, he was going to shut it down. 

He plopped back down on his cot and waited. He searched his pockets hoping for something of use. 

He only found, a wallet, bullets with no gun, and dental floss. He grunted and put everything back in his pockets. 

He was broken out of his thoughts when the young man on the cot next to him sat up.

Hey guys thanks for reading, this is only the first chapter and we have so much more to share!

I am super excited for you to meet the new characters! You will meet a new one each chapter

Thanks again!


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