Spilled Emotions

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"Why are you making us leave early?" Camila whined as they loaded their things into the car and got in. "We all have our own things we have to do today Camila, now hush." Normani insisted, driving all 5 of the girls away from the beach.

"Laur, you okay babe?" Dinah asked her girlfriend as she was tiredly leaning against her. "I didn't get much sleep. I wanna go to sleep." Lauren mumbled as she wrapped one of her arms around Dinah's waist. Dinah linked their hands together and nodded, allowing Lauren to get some rest, it was clearly needed.

Camila and Ally had been dropped home so now it was only Normani, Dinah and Lauren left in the car. "I'll be back here at 12, me and Lauren are going out for lunch." Normani told Dinah who nodded "Is it a private thing or can I join you?" Dinah asked politely to which Normani thought about it.

She supposed if Lauren was going to eat she would need to be comfortable, after all that Normani had seen, it was clear to see that Dinah made her feel as though she was comfortable. "Sure Dinah, you can come too." Normani smiled and stopped the car to let Dinah and Lauren out.

"C'mon Lauren, time to wake up now." Dinah kissed her nose making her eyes flutter open adorably "Mm, I'm sleepy." Lauren mumbled cuddling further into her body, Dinah shook her head at her. "Come on sleepy head, let's go inside. Mani will be back later to take us both out to eat." Lauren immediately woke up, looking at her best friend in sheer panic. "You don't have to do that. We can just eat at home, you've done enough." Lauren tried to refuse but Normani was determined to see this through. "I'll see you both at 12, get some sleep Lauren." Normani smiled and drove away with the girls left alone in their driveway.

"Is something wrong Laur?" Dinah frowned watching as Lauren's eyes filled with tears at the worrying prospect. "I don't feel very well, I'm just not hungry. I-I don't want a lunch date." Lauren tried to get around Dinah, but sadly for Lauren, Dinah had already picked up on Lauren's behaviour and guessed what was going on. "Well I'm sure after you get some rest then you'll feel a lot better." Dinah avoided the subject and got them both inside and up into their room. "Stay with me." Lauren pouted, feeling obviously anxious about their lunch arrangements. "Of course I will. There's nowhere I'd rather be." Dinah settled down into the covers with Lauren.

The 2 girls both had a nap and woke up around 11:30. Since Normani was going to arrive by 12, Lauren saw that now was her best opportunity to get out of it. "Dinah, baby, I really don't feel so good." Lauren complained, holding her stomach. The statement was true, but Lauren's stomach aches were actually hunger pangs as opposed to medical illness. "Maybe when you eat a little something you'll feel better, you don't have to push yourself. Just try and eat what you can at lunch." Dinah said as subtly as she could manage.

"You know, don't you Dinah.." Lauren mumbled and Dinah nodded "Yeah, I guessed, but me and Mani will help you okay? You don't have to go through it alone baby girl." Lauren smiled at the term of endearment, forgetting about everything else in the moment. "I like it when you call me that." Dinah giggled and kissed her gently "You are my baby girl, and I really want my baby girl to be healthy, all I ask is that you try for me, and for you." Dinah carefully went back on topic.

Lauren sighed and just accepted she wasn't going to win this. "Okay, fine, I will. Now will you kiss me again baby?" Lauren pouted adorably, but Dinah refused and sat up. "We both have to get ready for Normani to get here. It's gonna be fine, okay?" Lauren nodded, she believed Dinah. It wouldn't be so bad, right? After all, she would have the two most important people in her life by her side. "Okay." Lauren gave her a small smile before getting changed for the 3 girls lunch date.

Soon enough the doorbell rang and Lauren bounded down the stairs after Dinah when she answered the door. "Hey guys, are you ready?" Normani more directed at Lauren behind Dinah who was nodding at her best friend confidently "Yeah, let's go then." Dinah smiled and lead Lauren out, locking their door behind them.

The lunch date went fairly smoothly, with the both encouragement and persistence from the two girls, as well as the raging built up hunger, Lauren was able to eat a full meal and a desert. Much to both Dinah and Normani's surprise, nevertheless they were more than happy with the result. "Well done Lauren, I'm really very proud of you." Normani gave her a smile of approval and Lauren smiled back at her best friend uneasily. "Can you drop us back? Me and Lauren were gonna watch some movies." Dinah picked up on Lauren's discomfort and Normani agreed and took them back home.

Lauren stuck to Dinah's side as the girl lead them into the bedroom to try and stop herself from doing what she felt like she should. "I know what you're thinking, and I want you to breathe." Dinah sat Lauren down on the bed stroking her arms as she crouched in front of her girlfriend.

"I don't want to do it, I don't." Lauren admitted, and she meant it, Dinah knew that. "Kiss me, you owe me a kiss." Lauren said matter of factly and Dinah smirked "Oh I do, do I?" Lauren nodded and pulled her into a heated kiss, that kiss made them both forget about any previous tension as they got locked into each others affections.

Lauren pulled Dinah on top of her and moved her hands up Dinah's shirt, the action made Dinah flinch back and roll onto the side of the bed next to Lauren. "Babe are you okay?" Lauren asked her worriedly, Dinah blinked a few times to get the images to leave her mind. She tried desperately to remember it was only Lauren, her girlfriend and not her attacker touching her. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine Lauren, I'm good." Dinah said but her expression and voice both betrayed her as face now seemed upset and her voice cracked. "I'm not him baby, it's you and me. It's just you and me." Lauren said and scooted closer to Dinah wrapping her arms around her girlfriend lovingly "It's just me, I'd never hurt you." She promised, and Dinah believed her. She knew Lauren would never hurt her, but Dinah couldn't help the memories that filled her head at the simple touch.

"Baby it's not the same. I'd never push you if you weren't comfortable, and I know that you wouldn't push me to do anything either." Lauren placed a kiss on Dinah's cheek after a tear had rolled down it.

"Don't cry, I don't like it when you're upset." Lauren frowned, Dinah buried her head into Lauren's chest and just let go, letting her tears run free she allowed Lauren to hold her. Lauren was happy to do so, she knew she would do anything for Dinah. Whatever it may be. Lauren would do anything in the world just to keep her safe, because she was special to her. Lauren knew Dinah would do the same for her.

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