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"Y-Your father did that to you?" Lauren struggled to comprehend her words, Dinah nodded and squeezed her eyes shut. She could feel herself being pulled into Lauren's arms immediately so she nestled her face into her neck as soon as the contact became available. "I'm so sorry Dinah." Lauren kissed her cheek, she could already feel the wet tears running down her neck. "No Lauren I'm sorry, I got our window smashed in." Lauren only frowned "No fuck the window, you're more important right now babe, are you okay?" Dinah moved her head out from Lauren's neck to study her face. It was clear she was worried about her. "I-No, not really." Dinah mumbled and Lauren wiped her cheeks free of tears "I'll call someone to fix the window tomorrow, in the mean time lets just go back upstairs." Dinah nodded, as soon as they got into the bed Lauren pulled Dinah into a hug as they sat against the headboard. "So where's your father now?" Dinah just shrugged "He left us last year, I really thought we would have see the last of him then." She took a deep breath "I always thought about reporting him, but I could never bring myself to do it." Lauren kissed her temple and ran her fingers through the blonde hair delicately "If I could do it, I know you can do it."

"Well I guess I'll have to now.." Dinah mumbled, Lauren moved a few strands of blonde hair out of Dinah's face "No babe, you should only do it if you're ready." Lauren gave her a reassuring smile, Dinah sighed "I don't know if I am or not." Lauren thought for a moment "How about tomorrow we go and file a complaint for the window to the police, and if you feel like you can, report him then." She suggested, Dinah bit her lip in thought. It seemed logical to do that, and she knew Lauren would be there if she needed her. "Okay, I'll do it." She agreed and Lauren smiled "I'm proud of you, you know that don't you?" Dinah nodded, bringing Lauren into a kiss "Trying to get back where we left off, are we?" Lauren mumbled and Dinah hummed softly in confirmation without breaking the contact "Mm, I love you." Lauren whispered and Dinah huffed "Stop talking Lo." Lauren pulled away when she heard the uneasy tone of her voice "Kissing away your feelings won't help." Dinah groaned "Come on Lauren, I just want to forget about this stress for a night before we do this shit tomorrow. Can you please just go along with it?"

Lauren sighed deeply and only nodded before pulling her girlfriend on top of her lap as they continued their make out session. Lauren stopped it when a few minutes later she heard and felt Dinah whimper against her lips. "Come here." Lauren brought Dinah into her arms, stroking the bare skin in between her shoulder blades. "Dinah listen it's completely okay to be scared, I was too, but when you tell them about it you feel better afterwards." Lauren told her and Dinah shook her head against her chest "No it was hard enough just telling you and it's been years since it happened. When I tell will feel so real." Lauren heard Dinah's voice crack and knew she was holding back tears "I know it's hard but you need to do it so you can move on, I can sit with you while you tell them if you want me to, I'm sure we can arrange something." Dinah nodded and closed her eyes focusing only on Lauren's heavenly light strokes on her back "Thank you." Dinah mumbled and Lauren smiled without stopping her movements "It's okay."

The girls soon found themselves sat in an interview room in the quiet police station and Dinah's nerves were skyrocketing before Lauren grabbed her shaky hand "Relax babe, look at me I'm right here." Dinah exhaled as she turned to Lauren and nodded "I know, but can they just hurry up already?" Lauren just smiled sympathetically before the door flew open making both of them turn their heads at an officer's arrival. Dinah ran through the vivid details as much as she could before she stood up and ran out "I'm gonna be sick." She gagged and ran to the toilets "I am so sorry." Lauren apologised and the officer shook his head "That's quite alright, you can both leave once she's okay to, I have more than enough information to work with." Lauren quickly thanked the man before dashing out the door to see Dinah. "Dinah?" Lauren called but her response was the sound of throwing up which made her cringe slightly.

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