Chapter 5-Part 2: Crossed Wires

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Chapter 5-Part 2: Crossed Wires

"Mum I can explain. I didn't mean for it to happen. You have to believe me it's not what it seems like at all. I promise you it was all me. Whatever they said, whatever they told you, that's not how it happened. Mum please just let me explain."

"Explain it to me then Rainie, explain to me how you become like this? You were my good little girl, I would never have expected something like this from you. You always knew how to follow the rules Rainie. I repeatly told you, to just follow the rules and keep you head down and you'll make something out of yourself, but I guess you just don't know how to listen. How to follow instructions! You really disappointed me today Rainie Blake".

I looked down at the floor, knowing that everything my mum had just said was right, to be honest she had every right to be disappointed in me. I shouldn't have done what I did, I knew that I should apologize and tell her how ashamed I was of my actions.

"Well Rainie? I'm waiting for this explaination"

I just stood there dumbfounded staring at her, I knew what I had to say and I knew exactly what she would expect me to say, wanted me to say. The words were swirling around in my head but I was just unable to piece them all together. I just couldn't force myself to put the sentence together. I didn't want to apologize, I didn't want to lie to her and tell her that what we did was wrong and that I regretted what we did because deep down I knew, it didn't feel wrong to me at all.

I could hear her beginning to shout at me,talking about how she wasn't a good mother how she should have kept a closer eye on me and how I was now running riot because of my lack of guidance. That this was my way of rebelling, of getting back at her, this was how I was making her pay for driving my dad away. Forcing him into the arms of another women causing him to forget all about me and my brother and start a new life. Quickly replacing us with a better family, a more stabe family that didn't have so many problems. She thought this was all because of her but her voice was too distant so far away I could barely hear her.

"I didn't mean to do it" I mumbled

"If you didn't mean to do it. then why did you Rainie?"

"It was an accident "I replied

"How can you accidently be late to class. Especially Jake's class, you didn't even apologize just now when he mentioned it. He was just telling me how he came round to speak to you about your poor attitude in his class and you still havent apologized. What are you waiting for Rainie?"

"My what?"

Jake's POV

The door swung open,I saw Mrs Blake pop her head through the door, I watched as she scanned the room.

"Oh jake I didn't expect you to be there. What are you doing here?" she asked. As she took in all the sights of the room. She looked towards the crumpled sheets and raised her eyebrow when her eyes fell upon Rainie's t-shirt which was half way down her shoulder. Exposing her bare skin, I could barely keep my eyes off her.

I cleared my throat and fiddled with my shirt like a little kid. I always felt like a young child under the glare of Mrs Blake. "I erm.. came to talk to Rainie about her behaviour last week in my class. "

"Oh. I see, you're not the only one to complain about her behaviour lately, I have been recieving numerous emails all week regarding missed deadlines, poor behavour all of her teachers seem to be confused and worried, she never used to be like this".

"Maybe it has something to do with him?"

"I don't want you to mention him in my house Jake! she snapped. You're fully aware of what he did to this family!"

She turned away from me to face Rainie.

"Rainie" she belowed numerous times and began waving her hand infront of her daugters face, but she just sat there on the bed completely motionless. Painfully unware of her surroundings.

"Well?" she said

"Well what?" Rainie said, finally. It seemed like she had finally come back to earth.

"Is it true Rainie?" The anger in her voice was evident.

"I..s w...hat t..true?" she stuttered obviously unaware of the conversion that her mother and I just shared.

Back to Rainie's POV

"My what?" I was so angry that my head was going to explode, I was only a few minutes late to his class! Why was he dramatizing everything. Stretching the truth just to save his own skin, I bet. Just tell her the truth Jake.

"I'm sorry I don't want to talk about it can you just leave please"

"Rainie" she barked

 Jake walked towards her and whispered something in her ear and then quickly ushered her out of the room. He shut the door behind him once more leaving only me, him and the four walls.

If you made it this far then thank you. It's crazy to think that years later people are starting to read this story. It's one that I started in 2015 but never had the motivation to finish. But seeing that people are actually reading it makes me want to wrap it up. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Happy new year guys may 2018 be filled with nothing but joy :)

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