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A bad bitch is one who is independent, a bosslady, H.B.I.C, does what she wants, when she wants and isn't concerned with what others say or think about it. – Unknown

Takiyrah: Head Bitch!

Sunday, June 17

Today was like any other day. The banging of the French doors. The fleet of officers barging in my home. The search warrants. Nothing seems to change in this life. Fabolous said it best, same shit just a different day.

"We got you now nigga! You ain't even gonna see the light of day when I'm through with your bitch ass and your crew." I heard one of the many cops swarming my house say while handcuffing my husband, Jai'Shawn.

Jai'Shawn never puts up a fight. One of the things cops dislikes, nah scratch that, HATES the most about him. They want him to resist and act a fool so they could add some more chargers to his arrest. One of the cops grabbed him and threw him on the ground. Only thing you heard and felt was a loud thud on the floor making the walls of my multimillion dollar home shake. The purpose of that you might ask? Y'all already know. Say it with me; they hate Jai'Shawn "Killa" Daniels guts. I stood back watching because I swear this shit is just like a rerun of the Parkers. If you miss one it's bound to come on again tomorrow. With my husband being who he is and doing what he does, you can bet all your money that this is something I go through every day, every week, every month , hell every year. Nothing changes but the clothes on Jai'Shawn's back in his mug shots .

What y'all thought I was going to do? Scream and holler saying "no not my baby"? Not I. Not this chick. For what? So they could do the same thing to my ass? Nope I got 5 kids to think about. I'm gonna just stand my ass right here, holding up this wall and watch these motherfuckers destroy my house, yet again. I looked deep in my husband's eyes and of course they gave off an "I don't give a fuck" vibe. He just gave me the 'You know what to do look' and I simply nodded.

Go ahead and say it. I ain't ride or die material. Let those television shows fool y'all asses. Everybody ain't no damn Bonnie and Clyde. A real ride or die knows her place. I'm sorry to all the chicks that think they ride or die cause they shot a gun and start hollering when your man goes down. Nah; in my Chief Keef voice. A real ride or die knows how to shoot that Smith& Wesson .357 Magnum Revolver hidden in the headboard. She knows all the tricks to cutting, distributing, and selling. She knows how to hold her own and makes sure she is capable of holding down her man too. She is the independent chick that her momma taught her to be. Honestly these niggas gonna test you in every area possible. If you fail, you get dropped like a hot pocket fresh out the damn microwave. If they think you incompetent of their standards you will be gone before your escape plan is even written up. But anyways a real ride or die doesn't need or want for anything because she knows how to get it herself. She proves her loyalty in the house and out the house. She knows that when her man is locked down that she needs to continue production. Those are my definitions but please believe me when I say I am a mother before a ride or die wife! I don't care who got a problem with that. My man and I are good on that.

In the center of the living room were my 6 year old triplets Jai'Shawn,( I know y'all thinking that's so typical a junior. But I was so drugged up that my husband named our kids. Although I stated clearly beforehand, that my son will not be junior. But did the nigga listen? Nope. Just did what he wanted to do as always), Jaiceon, and Jaida playing the Wii and my 10 year old twins Ny'air and Ny'airah on the couch on their iPad, as if nothing was going on. Shit in our eyes ain't shit going on. Jai'Shawn gets locked up everyday and comes out within hours. They barely have time to process him before they're saying 'Daniels you've been bailed out'.

I turned back to look at those scrawny ass cops struggling to pick my baby up. I swear when he's getting arrested he looks sexier than ever. The way his dark brown eyes get darker. The way he carries himself with the utmost power is the definite turn on. Being that he only had on black and red basketball shorts with a white wife beater you can see his perfectly sculpted body. His brown skin glistened with the night. Of course his body is covered with tattoos of all sorts. My name was tattooed on his neck, the triplets name on his left arm and the twins on his right arm. The way his dreads swung on his back when they walked him outside. Lord, please forgive me for the thoughts going on in my head but this man is truly your gift. How can one make going to jail look so damn good? Hell I don't know but he does it every time.

"Mrs Daniels, we would be out of your way faster if you just tell us where everything is we're looking for." The detective spoke up breaking me out of my thoughts. This detective tries to fuck with me every time. He must think I'm that stupid little girl that he can fool. Detective James and I have some type of history. Hell NO Jai'Shawn doesn't know. I ain't stupid. Shit I love my life! I just stared at him, flipping my 22" Cambodian weave over my shoulder put my hands on my hips before I answered this clown.

"Well, what is it that you are looking for, Detective James?" I asked while rolling my eyes. I turned around to see my oldest daughter Ny'airah grilling the shit out of Detective James. She's a daddy's girl for real. She doesn't like any man talking to me or even in my presence. I caught her eye and if looks could kill this nigga would be 10 feet under fuck 6 feet. She got that look in her eye, her father gets when somebody fucked up his money. The looks that said "You fucked with mine and I'm gonna have you fucked up." I smiled at her to reassure I got this. Knowing her, her ass would be over here in less than 2.5 seconds.

"You know exactly what we're looking for." He said inching closer to me. I could feel his breath on my forehead. His mouth could graze my forehead at any point.

"I do?"

"Listen here Takiyrah don't fuck with us! I could have your ass in a cell so fast Big Bertha and her goons ain't gonna know what to do with your fine self."

"You gonna put my ass in a cell because I don't know what the fuck it is you're looking for?" This nigga must think I'm some type of stupid! Yeah I know what you want but you ain't getting shit. They honestly think that Jai'Shawn is dumb enough yo have his product up in my house. That nigga ain't stupid. I wish i would find that shit in my home. Even if the shit was in my house I'm not telling these motherfuckers. That's like telling Satan himself to come take my soul. And sorry Satan but that shit ain't happening today or anyday.

"Playing hard? I know this game Mrs Daniels. Don't worry your housewife lifestyle will soon come to an end." He said and with that he left.

Do I believe him? Nah. In this lifestyle niggas say anything to get you at your weakness. Takiyrah Janae Johnson- Daniels doesn't have a weakness!

I continued to watch them look in cabinets, stomp on floor boards and everything else you could possibly think of until they finally realized that it wasn't shit in my house for them. They finally decided that it was time for them to go. They filed out of my house. Thinking all of them left I realized I didn't see Detective James leave.

"Looking for me?" I heard a voice say. I stood there and rolled my eyes.

"Actually, no I'm not. But what you need to do is look for you a store and c grab a travel size mouthwash and get your hot ass breath off my damn neck"! I yelled to him while turning around to be greeted by his signature smirk.

"It's always a pleasure Mrs Daniels. Good night kids!" He said while walking out the place that used to hold my front door. My kids all just mugged his back.

Once I knew they were gone for good I did what my husband told me to do before he left. Call his bomb ass attorney. Yes, that was the look, amongst other things. I dialed the number that I grew to memorize and listened to the ringer.

"That time again huh?"

Welcome to my life as the Housewife of Jai'Shawn, the King Pin.

Author's Note: I'm Back. Idk For How Long. But I Miss This  Story. So Here Goes Nothing, Tell Me What You Guys Think. 

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