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Remember that you should always be number one & come second to none. Never put anything or anyone above your well-being.Unknown

Madison: Out of Place Bitch

Sunday, June 10

"Dear Lord, I wish at this time you bring strength to my fiancée at this time. I know the stuff he does is not the things you intended in this world. I pray that you forgive us for all our sins. I pray that you forgive me for going against everything we worked hard for. I know he's not the ideal man that my parents intended but I know he loves me. Through the fights, scream offs, and everything else that shake the walls of our home but we love each other dearly and I hope you bless us with a happy marriage when the time does come. In Jesus name, Amen." I kneeled on my bedroom floor with my knees sinking into my plush white carpet. I kept my eyes closed just so everything could sink in. I'm home by myself for another day. I pray every day that I see the safe return of my fiancée, DeAndre.

I finally decided it was time for me to get up off this floor. My knees were starting to kill me. As I walked towards my closet I heard my house phone ringing. Being that DeAndre is who he is, barely anyone has our house phone number. Only my parents, his mother, him, me, and that's it. I made a detour to the night stand in the corner of my room where the phone was placed. I didn't feel like talking but it could be Deandre so I answered anyways. I braced myself for the automated voice but was disappointed when I heard my mother's southern accent chime through the phone. Don't get me wrong I love my mother but I hate how she talks bad about my relationship with DeAndre.

"Hey baby!" My mother sounded really cheery. I'm guessing she just got out of church.

"Hey." I said dryly.

"Well who done pissed in your corn flakes this morning?"


"What's with the attitude? You know if you don't want to talk to your mother just say so!" I guess I hurt her feelings. I didn't mean it. I'm just not in the mood.

"I'm sorry Ma. I'm just feeling down and everything. How are you?"

"Well have you talked to Jesus today? You know he can make everything right sweetie."

"I know Ma. But it's like no matter how much I pray or how long I pray everything still goes wrong. I feel like he gave up on me. Or I'm losing my faith. I don't really know which one." I felt myself getting teary eyed. This is the reason why I didn't want to answer any phones today.

"That's the devil talking! We raised you in the church! How dare you even fix your lips to say that you're losing your faith? How do you think you make our family look? The bishop's daughter, running around playing house, with that thug that ruins the community your father preaches in and trying to save.  You need to turn your life around now.  Don't you know that God is an almighty God? Anything you throw at him he can take! Don't you know that he is also a jealous God? You want to be all hugged up under the devil, repent now! You can get out of that relationship with the devil now and find Jesus again."

At this time I was bawling my eyes out. I couldn't take it. My mother had the power to make me cry at the slightest mention of Dre. You see DeAndre is rivals of Killa. Killa's wife, TaKiyrah, is my cousin. Growing up me and Kiyrah were very close. But when she found out I was talking to Dre, she cut off all ties to me. I don't even think Killa or Dre knows that Kiyrah and I are related.  I guess it's something we charge to this messed up thing we call the game.

"HELLLOOOO!" I totally forgot I had my mother on the phone.

"I'm sorry Ma. I'm going to call you back okay?"

"Remember what I said."

"Huh? I love you too." With that I hung up. I'm trying to forget what you said not remember every bit. I continued on my bed crying until my house phone rang again.

"Hello?" I sniffled into the phone without even looking at the caller ID. I didn't even care at this point.
"This is a collect call from 'Dre' at York County Jail. Do you accept the charge?"

"Yes." I waited for the call to connect. I got that nervous shy feeling as if this was the first time I ever spoke to Dre.

"Hey Babe" I said trying to change my voice and sound cheery again.

"Wassup Ma? What's wrong?" Damn how did he know something was wrong I tried everything in my power to hide the fact that I was crying from him.

"Nothing. I just got off the phone with my mother. And I miss you."

"I'll be home soon. Do I ever stay down long?"


"Exactly. I need a favor though."

"Really Dre? You've been gone for almost a month and you call for me to do favors?" I sighed while letting the tears I tried so hard to suppress fall. 

"You know this is my life. Sorry I'm not the doctor or lawyer or hell a bishop, your parents want me to be. Are you going to do the favor or nah?"

"What is it?"

"Hit up some bitch name Mickey, she claiming she carrying my seed. But I'm sure I pulled out. She ain't gonna trap me."

I looked at the phone as if I had the wrong number or something, while this man continued to talk about how Mickey trying to trap him. I don't get what everyone sees in Mickey. She's cute or whatever but does her vagina even have walls? I'm pretty sure everybody in Virginia done hit that.

"When did you have sex with her?" I whispered, I felt the tears coming again. How can you love a man so much but they would do everything in their power to break you down. I may not be all hood and all that but I made sure I gave this man everything I had to offer. He basically just took my heart out and stomped on it. That probably would've hurt less.

"I don't know. Some months ago. Why?" He doesn't even realize that he cheated on me. He either realized or just didn't care. Probably a mixture of both. Not like he wears the ring I bought him.

"Nothing. I gotta go. I love you Dre.

"Aight. I'll talk to you later." Was all I got in return. I don't think I could continue this life. Do I really wanna be Dre's wife? Do I really wanna be a wife of the drug game?

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