Chapter 1

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Caitlyn's POV.

UGH! I hated the sound of my alarm in the morning, probably the most annoying sound ever. I groaned and sat up making sure I smacked the devil that made sounds, aka my alarm clock. Today was Friday! YAY! Tgif! I'm happy cuz that means my ultimate bff forever is here for the weekend, see since my parents left me when I was 14, I'm now 17, and so I've been supporting myself for a while. I was still in touch with them, but they moved to Monaco. I made my way to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I washed my hair, conditioner, washed my body, all good! I jumped out and ran to my phone blasting "MIDNIGHT MEMORIES OH OH OH "that was my ultimate favourite song by my five husbands, otherwise none as one direction. On my pink iPhone it said "Tyra " I answered,

"Hellooooooooooooooooooo TT" I said smirking, she hates it when in call her tt for her initials.

"Hey girl, I'll be at your house in 5 get your arse down stairs" She remarked. Someone's a little sassy this morning.

You guys are probably wondering why she said arse instead of ass, well, she didn't like to swear and liked to talk like she was British cause one direction was. She made me laugh though. I ran downstairs to the doorbell ringing; I opened the door to a very pissed of looking Tyra with her hands on her hips, glaring at me, again so sassy! She looked gorgeous today, she has darker skin, long black hair (I always want to touch it and play with it!) dark brown eyes with long brown eyelashes. She was very petite, always so gorgeous!

"Why hello there Tyra, I wasn't expecting you at all" I said while laughing.

"Ya ya save your crap chump" she remarked as she was walking past me into my house.

"Why so sassy this morning??" I asked

"She turned around and glared at me then started singing "IM BRINGING LOUIS'S SASS! THEM OTHER SASSERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO SASS" jumping around my kitchen looking like she was high.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH! The neighbors are going to think there's a dying cat here"

"Oh whatever, go get your arse ready for school while I go raid your kitchen, shoo shoo!"

I groaned and slowly went up the stairs. I quickly ran into my closet, yes a walk in, and grabbed something simple, I wore black denim short shorts with a pink filly top with a denim black jacket quickly checked the weather on my phone! HOLY CRAP! It was 34 degrees, much hotter than usual, in England! Ahh yay! I shoved my jacket into my bag just in case and ran to my bathroom. I looked in my mirror. I had dirty blonde wavy hair to about mid back, bright blue eyes, a few freckles across my face, I wasn't skinny but I wasn't fat, I was in the middle. I quickly straightened my hair added my mascara with some eyeliner and pink eye shadow, a little foundation and some pink lip gloss. Perfect! As I was finishing Tyra walked in.

"Pack a bag, I just talked to my mom (Oh Carol, she was so funny! I absolutely adored her!!) And were going to my lake house for a few weeks (oh yea today's the last day of school for summer! Yayayayay!)" She squealed hugging me!

"Ok yay!!" I squealed!

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