Chapter 26

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Caitlyn's POV

We all got ready and put towels and other things in our bags and headed to the beach. It was too small to hold all 10 of us so I sat on Louis's lap and Tyra sat on Niall, and Perrie sat on Zayn.

When we got there me and Perrie just wanted to tan.

We were laying down getting a really good tan when Lou and Zayn walked up smiling devishly.

"Come on girls lets go to the water." Zayn said.

"No" Perrie and I said in unison.

"Either come in nicely or the hard way." Lou said.

We shook our head and Zayn and Louis grabbed us and ran towards the water.

"PUT WE DOWN" I yelled. Louis chuckled and thru me into the water.

Everyone was laughing while me and Perrie shared identical scowls. We walked out and got dry.

Then I saw Lou, the boys stylist , walk up with a cute little girl in her arms.

"Hey Lou, who's this cute little girl? I ask.

"This is my daughter Lux; can you watch her this afternoon? I have a million things to do and she's just going to slow me down. Please? "she begged me. By then everyone was out of the water hearing our conversation.

"Of course" I said smiling.

She gave me a big hug and handed me Lux, who looked just over a year to me and a bag and ran back to her car.

Everyone ran back to the water except me, Lux and Louis.

"Hey Lux, you're so cute. Im Caitlyn" I said to her.

She sat down in my lap and started telling me things like

"My name Lux. I like pink. Your hair nice. Louis said his love you. He never tops talking about you" she started to tell me. Louis was a deep shade of red.

"Lux can you tell Louis I love him to?" I asked the sweet little girl.

"Sure! Louis, Caitlyn said she loves you to" Lux explained to him. Instead of answering he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips which made Lux squeal and yell

"COOTIES" which made us both laugh.

Louis's POV

She was so good with kids. It was hot. That might of sounded weird but she was hot in her bikini in her baby voice talking to Lux. It might be bad but I want her now. No Louis, out with the dirty thoughts.

About an hour later Caitlyn and lux both fell asleep next to each other and Lou came to get the sleeping Lux, I just let Caitlyn sleep.

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