Chapter 9

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Tyra left my room telling me we would figure things out. I got up and went to my bathroom stripped and got in the shower when I got out I grabbed my towel, and went to my bed room, Louis sat on my bed, looking nervous. When I walked in, he looked up.

"Hey Caitlyn, can we talk?" he asked.

"Sure Lou, lemme get changed though, I ran into my wardrobe dropping my towel. I put on my pink fuzzy onesie, braided my hair and skipped out.

L=so hey Caitlyn

C=hey Lou

L=Can I tell you something?

C=Uh sure

L=I like you a lot Caitlyn. Your pretty, amazing, smart, funny, pretty, charming, pretty, loves food and sleep. Pretty good

I was speechless. Then, I felt Lou's lips crash onto mine. He licked my lips for entrance, I let him in. he grabbed my waist I grabbed his hair. It was getting steamy. We were fall-out was intense. that's when curly walked in..

Louis POV

To say that Harry and was mad would be an understatement. He was furious.

"Look guys, it wasn't what it looked like" I said

"Shut up Louis, you're doing this because I like Caitlyn, it's all a game to you, and you want to take everyone I like!" Harry said.

"That's not true, i actually like her and it's not my fault you're so desperate for Caitlyn" i said

Harry pounced on me throwing punches, i started punching him to, I was straddling him throwing punches until Harry flipped me over so he was straddling me. Throwing punches after punch. I eventually blacked out.

Caitlyn's POV

Everyone came in; To say that Harry was mad would be an understatement. He was furious.

"Look guys, it wasn't what it looked like" Louis said

"Shut up Louis, you're doing this because I like Caitlyn, it's all a game to you, you want to take everyone I like!" Harry said. Harry liked me? I thought Louis did too, maybe he didn't and I'm just foolish.

"That's not true, i actually like her and It's not my fault you're so desperate for Caitlyn" Louis said

Harry pounced on Louis throwing punches, louis started punching him to, Louis was straddling him throwing punches until Harry flipped him over so he was straddling Louis. Throwing punches after punch. Louis eventually blacked out. Louis and Harry started to fight over me.

I started to cry. Niall pried Harry off. Harry looked at me crying.

"Caitlyn look-"he started to say. I cut him off

"Harry Out" I said thru gritted teeth. Harry looked ashamed and walked out. I ran to Louis side.

"Lou bear tell me your okay?" i said still crying.

'Caitlyn ,come on, were going to take him to the hospital" Liam said. I stood up and Tyra rushed to me and I cried into her shoulder. It's always my fault. Zayn and Niall carried Louis to the car. Liam was driving with Niall in passenger and Tyra and harry in the middle i sat in the back with unconscious Louis laying across me.

-------------------------------------After the doctor checks Louis out---------

"Louis Tomlinson" the doctor said. I pounced up and ran to him.

"Well Louis will probably be unconscious for abit, but besides that he will be fine. You're free to go visit." He said

"Lads and TT, let Caitlyn go first by herself first "Liam said.

I nodded at him and walked in to see Louis unconscious on the bed with a monitor beside him beeping.

I walked over took his hand in mine

"Louis please wake up and answer me, please Louis" he still didn't wake up. I was getting desperate.

"Please Louis please wake up" I started to scream. I full out was sobbing, this shouldn't be happening. Zayn and Liam ran in, Zayn saw my sobbing and picked me up bridal style and out to the waiting room. He sat down with me on his lap; i started crying into his chest.

"He will be fine" Zayn stated.

I eventually fell asleep.

Zayn POV

To see her upset killed me. I'm going to kill Harry for doing this to her and Louis. She fell asleep in my lap after seeing Louis. This is bad.

*******2 weeks later*******

Caitlyn's POV

I barely left the hospital, he still hasn't waked up. I only went home to shower. Everyone comes and visits but I've been here every day except for like an hour a day to go back to the house. I've been worried, it's been two weeks. I was sitting here scrolling thru instagram when there was a knock on the door, the one person I didn't want to see was with Nialler. Harry and Nialler were here.

"Niall what the hell? I told you not to bring that monster here" i spat.

"Look he made me brings him" the little leprechaun said.

"Caitlyn can i talk to you?" Harry asked.

"No" i spat.

"Ok you leave me no choice" Harry said and walked over to me picked me up and walked out into the hallway, i was hitting his back until I saw Zayn.

"ZAYN HELP" i screamed.

Zayn saw us and ran and yelled at Harry to let me go,

"Fine" Harry huffed and literally dropped me on to the floor and walked out.

"Thank you so much Zayn" i Said while hugging him.

I saw Nialler run out and yelled he's waking up. I ran the fastest i could down the hall to his room, his eyes were twitching, I was so excited to see him awake.

Louis POV

I woke up not remembering much, and then it clicked in everything that happened. I opened my eyes and saw Caitlyn, Zayn and Nialler. Caitlyn had tears in her eyes and ran over and hugged me so tightly and whispered in my ear " I missed you"

"Hey Lou, me and Nialler are going to go pick everyone up to come see you" Zayn said

"Everyone?" Caitlyn said.

"No Harry" Niall replied.

Caitlyn smiled at that. They left the room and I turned to Caitlyn. She told me everything for the past two weeks that happened.

"Caitlyn, i want you to know that i do like you and Harry was lying." I said.

"I know, and i like you to" she replied then kissed me.

After she pulled away I was so happy. Then Harry walked in. Caitlyn looked scared.

"Harry get out" she said thru gritted teeth.

"Look mate, I'm really sorry for what happened I over-reacted. Forgive me please Louis? "He asked, I smiled and nodded. He went to give Caitlyn a hug to, she moved out of the way and said

"He might have forgave you but I didn't"

Harry looked hurt.


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