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Want to think about her?


Why not?


Let's think about her.


You don't want to think about how she has ca-

No! I don't!

How about him.


C'mon, we haven't thought about him in a while.

I said no.

Let's think about how he'll never talk to you.
Or let's think about how he'll never forgive you.

You want me to overthink.
And he's not mad at me.

Then how come he doesn't talk to you?

......I don't know.

He's not going to forgive you.
He never will!

Leave me alone.

How about we talk about something violent?
Like you always do.

No, you make me think about it.

You know you like to think about it.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

Go away.

We haven't thought about monsters in awhile.

Leave me alone.


Leave me alone!


Leave me alone!

Never, I'm always going to be here!
I'm never leaving.


Hi....... So, yeah.

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