She snapped

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She was strong,

Nothing could hurt her,

She was tough,

No one could hurt her,

If you got her mad,

She would turn worst then the hulk,

She was those kind of people that had hatred toward the world,

She had a rough childhood though,

She would get bullied in school,

Her dad would hit her for no reason,

And never let out a single tear,

She didn't have a really good relationship with her mom,

Her mom ignored her and her sister for one whole day,

She cussed at her,

And other stuff,

Until it happened,

It happened all of a sudden,

It happened too fast,

She was in the hospital with her mom,

No one was in there with her,

Just the way she wanted it to be,

She held her mom's hand,

And said what she's been wanting to say for days,

"Mommy, I love you. And I forgive you for every single thing that you did to me. A-and it's okay to let go, I just want you to know that okay?"

On September 30, her mom passed away,

Her mom stopped breathing,

It finally happened,

After all of the struggling,

And suffering,

All of the visits,

All of the staying strong,

She finally snapped out of it,

She snapped out of the hating everything,

Snapped out of wanting to punch everything that got in her way,

Snapped out of wanting to hurt everyone that hurt her.

She wanted to change,

Like her mom did,

Until she passed away,

She just snapped,

In a good way though,

She finally learned her lesson.

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