As I was heading to my next class I saw Lauren and Liam standing in their usual spot by the lockers waiting for me and this time I saw their signifacant others with them. I walked up to them and said a quick "you guys ready?" " Yeah,Mila and Zee are in the same class with us so we're all walking together." Lauren said while intertwining her hand with Camilla's while Zee did the same with Liam. I just smiled at them and we all began walking down the hall to our next class we all shared. While we were walking down the hall I recognized the boy with leather quickly walking down the hall with his head down and I thought I saw a tear fall down his face. I frowned while suddenly consumed with thoughts. 'What happened?' 'I hope he's ok.' 'I need to talk to him soon to make sure he's alright' I thought. I would've almost ran into someone again if Camila hadn't snapped her fingers in my face to get my attention. "Hey! Mikey! We're here,you ok?" She asked with that familiar look of confusion on her face. "Yeah I'm good I was just thinking about how Mrs.Heether will be in class today. I hope she's not as uptight today." I said with a chuckle. "Oh ok. Well lets go in and get our seats." She said while eyeing me weirdly as the rest walked in and I followed behind. 'I hope this day goes by fast' I thought. As soon as we got into the class Mrs.Heether looked like she was already about to start barking out orders. "Ok class,take out your notes and copy down these notes about the Pythagorean Theorem." When she sat down and got engulfed in her book about knitting,half the class started talking,including Me,Camila,Liam,Lauren,and Zayn. "So after our last class,you guys wanna hang out?" Liam asked. "Yeah sure,if Lighty comes,she's kinda my ride" I said sheepishly. "Oh,I was thinking the cafe which was only a 10 minute walk from here." Liam said " oh well if that's the case,then sure. I'll just let Lighty know when we get out in another hour." I said with a small smile. "Ok,awesome so after school then? Everyone agree?" "Yeah,we're good" I heard Lauren say. "Then it's all set" Liam smiled. 'I made new friends and now we're meeting up after school? I feel special' I thought. I chuckled and realized that class was about to be over in 5 minutes. 'Woah,we talked that long' I thought. I looked and saw that the others were thinking the same thing. I saw Lauren had a thoughtful look on her face and then she looked over at Camila and shook her head then went back to what she was doing. 'I wonder what's that about?' I thought as soon as the bell rung. Everybody quickly exited out of class,some to music and the rest to lunch-the last periods of the day. I had lunch and judging by the direction my new friends were going,they did as well.

Heartbreaker Boy in Flannels.
FanficThe boy who broke everyone's hearts,didn't care about others feelings and wore flannels everyday. But one day when he wore leather,will that change and will he find someone who stops the heartbreaker facade?