Chapter VII

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I finished straightening my hair and redid my make up the best I could in the lack of time I had. I felt like I had to change and look a little more put together. I slipped on some jeans and left my long sleeve shirt on. It was comfy but showed off curves of my body that I usually tried to hide. I was comfortable in my own body; I wouldn't say I was skinny or fat. I just didn't want attention that certain curves would draw to me.

Seconds later I heard loud thunderous footsteps running through the house. I guess Cage is here. I walked downstairs to find Cage eating some leftovers as if it were his own house.

"You ready?" He asked with his mouth full of food with some sauce on the side of his lip. Cage seemed to eat so much yet stayed so fit.

"You're such a pig." I said standing on my tip toes as I rubbed off the sauce with my thumb before placing it in my mouth. Cage watched me with wide eyes. His eyes locked on my lips as he stared at me.

"Are we going to this party or can I back out of this?" I asked trying to get out of this. He sent me a smirk as he snapped out of his daydream.

"Oh no we are going to the party." He said as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me along to his jeep. I sat in my seat shaking my leg. I was nervous. I didn't like parties.

"Don't be freaking out River." He told me as his hand went to my thigh. His thumb rubbed shapes into the inside of my thigh.

"I'm not." I lied hoping he wouldn't be worried for me. I know how he got at these parties. I wanted him to get lose and have some fun. I didn't want him to feel like he would have to babysit me during the party. Even though I'll probably end up babysitting him and his drunk state. Cage was never a huge drinker but ever once in a while he would let lose.

"We're here." He said as he looked at me. I could see slight worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine." I told him giving him a smile. He smiled back and got out the jeep with me following close behind. We walked towards a house with loud music and the sound of teenagers. I felt my heart rate start to pick up when we walked in the house.

"Stay close okay." Cage said as his hand traveled to my lower back.

"I'll try." I said sending him a wink as we made our way through the party. People kept coming up to him. Either it was girls trying to get his attention, congratulating him on the win, or just teammates boosting each other's egos for the state championships.

"Cage time for shots!" Some guy from the team yelled. Cage looked at me and I just sent him a smile and nodded towards the kitchen. I watched from afar as him and his close teammates took shots after shots.

"River!" I hear Cages voice call after me. I saw him making his way to me.

"What?" I asked looking at my dumb slightly tipsy friend. It's been about an hour or so at the party and Cage managed to get drunk. Not totally wasted drunk but enough to be tipsy and dance like a fool.

"Come dance with me?" He asked as he grabbed onto my hands and started pulling me along with him.

"No, I don't think so." I say trying to stop him from pulling me but obviously it didn't work.

"Shut up and dance with me." He said mimicking some pop song from the radio. I just smiled at my drunk friend as let him place his hands on my hips. I placed my hands softly on his chest and he sloppily moved us to the beat of some song. I looked up at him to see that he was already staring down at me.

"What?" I asked with a smile. Why was he looking at me like that? He had this dazed look and I hated that I couldn't ready him.

"You're pretty." He stated with a stupid cheesy grin that spread across his face.

"Cage you're drunk." I told him with a laugh.

"But you're always pretty." He said as he pulled me closer to himself. I felt a slight red blush rise on my cheeks.

"Cage it's time for body shots!" some girl yelled from the kitchen bar. Cage looked over with a hazed look over his face as if he was thinking this over. Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand dragging me to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked slightly horrified as Cage picked me up and placed me on the island in the kitchen. He didn't answer he rolled up my top. He climbed over the counter, straddling me on the island. I felt my heart jumping out of my chest as I watched each of his movements. Cage slowly slipped my top up and pour liquor on my body then up to my neck. He was slightly too drunk and kind of made a mess.

Cage leaned down and started moving his lips against my skin. I clenched my hands into first as I held my breath. What the hell is he thinking. His lips traveled up until he reached my neck. He slightly sat up and looked at me with a weird haze over him. Seconds later his lips were down on my neck, sucking the liquor. My hands shot up to his upper arms holding on tightly. I felt my fingernails scratch deeply into his arms, but he didn't show any sign of pain. I didn't really know what was going on until I felt him travel his lips up the base of my neck. There were people cheering around us, but everything went blank when I felt him press his lips to the corner of my mouth.

Out of nowhere he shot up jumping off the counter and taking my hand. He pulled me along with him. I was still confused and unsure of what was happening. Cage brought me outside to the back yard. There was no one outside since it was October, and it was cold. Cage stopped us and looked at me for a few minutes before he said something.

"I didn't mean to- you know." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. I slightly felt my heart drop. He didn't mean any of that. Deep down I wished it meant something. But it's not that we even kissed for real. But do I want to kiss Cage?

"It's fine Cage." I said giving him the best smile I could muster up. Clearly, he wasn't having any romantic feeling towards me. He's drunk and he still didn't see me in any other way then his best friend.

"You're my best friend, I'm sorry." He stated as his hands ran through his hair making it messy.

"Cage It doesn't matter okay? Maybe we should go home? You're pretty drunk." I said as I fixed his hair and let my hand rest on his scuffled cheek.

"Mhm." He humbled as he closed his eyes resting against my hand. I ran my thumb over his scuffled bread.

"Give me your keys." I told him but he didn't make a move. He just stood there resting against my hand. He moved his hand towards his pocket but didn't get his keys. I sighed rolling my eyes as I slipped my fingers into his pocket reaching for his keys.

"Let's go Parker." I said taking him by his hand and leading him to the jeep. This wasn't the first time I had to take care of him when he was drunk. Cage didn't drink much. He didn't go out every weekend. He went to parties just sometimes and he wasn't a binge drinker. There were times where I had to come pick him up, but it wasn't like he got drunk every weekend.

"Okay babes." He mumbled as he followed me closely behind. I opened the door for him, and he stumbled in. I sat in the driver seat and drove us back to my house. I don't think his parents would be too happy if he came home drunk. He was their golden boy after all.

"I'm tired." he yawned as I finally pulled up at my house.

"I know. Let's go." I said pulling him out the jeep and helping him up the stairs. He got to my room and clasped on my bed.

"Goodnight loser." I said and he just mumbled a goodnight back. I slipped out my clothes changing into a sweatshirt and shorts. I crawled into my bed going under the cover. Cage looked up before he got up to stumble out of his jeans and lay back on the bed. He didn't even make it under the covers before he was out. I sighed as I dropped one of my blankets over him.

"Good night stupid." I whispered before leaning down and placed a kiss to his temple. I pulled away to see him smiling, I could see that he was still asleep. He looked so adorable. I ran my fingers through his messy hair, pushing it away from his face. This gorgeous boy was my best friend that I have recently realized my feelings for. I cared for him a lot. I think I might be in love with him. And that's not good at all because to him I'm just his best friend.

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