Chapter X

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It's been about a week or so since Brooke tried to make a move on Cage but other than that she didn't seem to take any further action. Which I was more the thrilled about. Maybe this is my chance to make a move on Cage. How would I even make a move on my best friend? I don't even know what a move is.

"Hey earth to River?" Juliana said waving her hand in front of my face. I looked at her and smiled which she returned right back.

"What's up?" I asked her. She was my closet and only girlfriend. And besides Cage and her, I had no one else. I never felt the need for any other friends. Cage was always there for me, for anything.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." She said with a smirk. It was like she could read my thoughts.

"huh?" I asked her slightly confused about what she meant.

"You and Cage?" She asked with a smirk. When you're close with someone they can guess what's on your mind. It was comforting to knowing how close the friendship is.

"Do you think I should make my move?" I asked her. I needed some advice and it's not like I can go to Cage with this. I can always go to him with anything but not this.

"Yeah! It's about time." She said which kind of grew my confidence. Juliana seemed to always be pushing me in the direction of Cage and I actually getting together.

"But how?" I asked her. I couldn't just go up to him and just kiss him. Well, I could but that wouldn't be the best way, well at least I don't think it would.

"You uh-" Juliana said but stopped. She looked over past me. I followed her eyes to find Cage. But he wasn't alone. Brooke walked next to him, way too close for my liking. Her hand rested on his arm as she laughed at whatever he said. They looked like a real couple. They would probably be good together. Both outgoing and confident. They were a perfect fit for each other in a way.

"River?" Juliana questioned but I was still out of it looking at the scene in front of me. Just when I was going to make a move, she stepped in making her way in and taking him. I watched as they said their goodbyes before Brooke reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek before going to wherever. This must be destiny playing its role, it's way of saying I should just shut up and keep all my feelings to myself. It was almost like a slap in the face. Soon after that Cage made his way over to me. I stood by my locker leaning against it.

"What was that about?" I asked with a fake smirk on my face. He didn't need to know about my feelings for him, not now at least.

"What?" He asked as he scratched the back of his neck. He wasn't good at playing dumb, and maybe I just knew him too well. I just gave him the look, the one that always made him fess up to anything.

"Nothing." He said with a stupid smile. I just wanted to smack that smile off his face. It hurt to see him all giddy about some girl, a girl he hardly knew.

"Really? That kiss on the cheek and all that flirting was nothing?" I asked him still smirking. Where was this coming from? How could I just act like this? I'm such a great actress, acting like nothing was up. The pain inside me seemed to turn into a tense numbness.

"We're going on a date." He finally said. There goes the final blow to this all.

"Are you really?" I asked him. He just shrugged. I guess he didn't care much of it. Why now out of nowhere he was interested in dating someone.

"Yeah, but the more important question is are you coming with me to my dad's charity function?" He asked me as he now was leaning against my locker.

"No way." I told him pushing off the lockers and started walking down the hall. Cage let out a loud groan as he followed close behind me.

"Come on please?" He begged still following me.

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