chapter thirteen: whos jake

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Shellys POV:

I dont like these boys at all.

"Shelly didnt you hear lou hide now" zayn said

"Guess who?" A voice said

"Who is it?" I say

"How can you not remember me im your boyfriend jake" the boy jake whispers

"Ha....ha....ha i dont have a boyfriend and if i did it would have to be someone who cares for me like zayn you nut head." I yell

"Oh so you like zayn" he says calmly "YOU SHELLY CURTIS LIKES ZAYN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yells flipping the table over where everyones hiding

"Oh lookie here its sharron and abriana i have someone for you"

"Who is it? Is it bieber, selena, demi, cher, or kim kardashian?" Sharrons says exitedly

"Nope even better" jake says

"Correction! No one i mean no one is better than beiber understand me dude" sharron says

"Not even your own boyfriend luke wow you have changed"

"I dont have a boyfriend" she says

"Come out luke"

"Hey babe miss me for the past 100 years" a mucular dude with a motorcylce suit says im guessing thats luke

"Um no" she mumbles

"What was that?" Luke asks

"N-nothing" sharron says. Luke grabs her by her arms and throughs her acrooss his shoulders.

"Your strong" shelly says

"Yep i gotta be babe" he says

" and Sara remember dylan right"

"No" she says

"Wow." Luke says

"What.." she says

"Dylan come on will ya" jake says i think dylan should be the leader hes hot not as hot as zayn though

" oh so you think zayn hotter than all of us" jake says

"Oh you can mindread too great. Just great"

"Yeah babe better belive it"

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