Black and Blue Chapter 7

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A/N Hey guys. I have my first full day of school on Monday! D: Oh well. Feel free to vote or comment! Enjoy!


All week he's been thinking of blue eyes and soft lips. He hadn't known him for very long, but he was already so captivating. They had gone on several dates since their first date a month ago. Their first date was so sweet. A movie, popcorn, a bit of making out, and takeout. Simple, but amazing. Their next few dates were just as amazing. For their second date, they ate together at Takis diner after closing with permission from Magnus' boss, Ellen. It was even candlelit. It may have been just a little diner but it still looked pretty nice with candles on the tables and counters. It was just Magnus and Alec with some veggie burgers and rootbeer, and nothing but candles to light the diner.

They went on a few sweet dates after that, as well. But what mattered most to Magnus was that he was with Alec and every day he learned something new about him. He loved learning all of Alec's little habits and mannerisms. He loved that he knew Alec's favorite color, food, and bands. But he didn't know anything about Alec's family, except for a little bit every once in a while about his siblings Isabelle or Jace. He mostly avoided the subject, though. Even going as far as to change the subject when it was brought up.

Magnus kind of understood. He didn't like talking about his family, either. But he cared about Alec and wanted to know where he came from and the people he's grown up with. Once, when Magnus asked him about his father, Alec visibly shuttered and the glass of water he was holding slipped from his hands. He shrugged it off as clumsiness. Granted, Alec was very clumsy, but Magnus felt it had something do do with the mention of his father. He's noticed that Alec zones out a lot and sometimes just disappears into some other world. He wondered about that, a lot. What causes Alec to want to escape all the time?

Alec is always wanting to get out of his house. He'll even stay the night at Magnus' place sometime's, leaving when the sun rises or, on weekends, staying late until the next day. Some nights, he'll sleep and won't wake up until late in the day. Other nights, he won't be able to sleep until late into the next morning. Magnus wants to understand and wants to make him feel better, but all he can do his hold him and remind him that he's there and not going anywhere.


Sunlight caught his eyes as he opened his eyelids. He was wrapped up in canary yellow sheets and long, slender arms covered in glitter and sweat. Last night he had come to Magnus' loft and begged him to go to a club. He had just had a fight with his dad, which was really one sided, since his dad did all the fighting. He didn't tell Magnus this, though. He just told him that he need to escape. He needed loud music, bright lights, and Magnus, and that's what he got.

They danced all night at an eighteen+ club called Turquoise Moon. Alec tried to let go and forget about it, and it almost worked. They didn't drink any alcohol because they weren't twenty one yet. They were both eighteen, except Alec was still in high school and Magnus had graduated early. Alec wished he could drink alcohol, but he was also glad he couldn't. He's seen what alcohol does to people and, at the moment, that sounded very good. But Alec knew it wouldn't be good.

They arrived home at 4:00 am and immediately fell into bed. They still had their clothes on but they were to tired to care. They sleepily kissed for a minute and then curled up in the sheets and each other's arms. They haven't done anything except make out, yet, in their relationship. Alec was very self conscience about his body. Anytime things go too hot and heavy, he would freeze and ask to cuddle instead. No matter how much he wanted to be with Magnus in that way, he couldn't get over his insecurities about his broken body.

Alec was curled up in Magnus' arms, but he couldn't fall asleep. He heard Magnus breathing evenly and knew he had fallen asleep. He closed his eyes for a while, but he never fell asleep. Now, blinking in the sunlight, Alec wished he could've drank alcohol. Anything to knock him out, so he could, not only forget about his fight with his dad, but also his achy muscles and his insecurities.

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