Regrets Still Haunt My Hollow Head

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Lovelies! The sequel for I'm Slowly Drowning! Are you excited? I am, cause I don't really know how it'll turn out or where it's heading so... o.o 

I hope you like it!

I won't say this at every chapter so I say it now; pls comment, vote and to read if you like it, cause' that just make it so much easier and funnier for me to write :3 

And this story is pure fiction blah blah blah, whatever else I'm supposed to say here -.- 

Yup! Enjoy!


I’m different, and I’m proud of it.

I’ve turned 21 two months ago and I’m living in Denmark with my two best friends in this whole world, Sophie and Emmy, they’re both 20 since I had to retake a year in high school. Most women, or girls as I’d rather say on 21 can talk about how they’ve been in countless relationships I guess, but I can’t, I haven’t been in one since I was 18, and that was my first of the kind. I lost him though, I decided to leave and short after, I heard that he was with another and stupid as I am, I cut all contact to him, deleted my twitter, made a new facebook, changed my phone number (got a new phone) and asked my parents to ignore everything that had anything to do with him, his band or the two month I spend with them. After that, I acted like I didn’t know the band at first and when my best friends got really interest in them, I acted like I didn’t really like them, I couldn’t bear looking at him, I couldn’t bear the pain and the love that I still held, even after three years.

Tomorrow though, my friends forced me to go with them to a concert with the band since they came to Denmark touring with their newest album. My friends told me that this was their last concert this time around and that they’d have vacation for months after this. They were only interested in that since we moved to LA in one week and they hoped to meet their idols there and befriend them.

Today though, I had to work, I was working on a gas station a bit outside of Copenhagen at evening and at a day-care every working day from seven to six. Today had been my last day at the day-care though and tonight was my last evening at the gas station seeing that I was moving to another country in one week.

My main interest is music, and that’s also why Sophie, Emmy and I move to LA, to try and become something within music... like he’s something within music.

I should probably introduce myself right, my name is Alexandra Sophie Collin, like I said I’m 21 and moving to LA in a week. I have black hair with a blue highlight at the right side of my bangs, and my hair reach a bit under my shoulders, I have pale green eyes and I’m at a healthy weight. Three years ago, I was one of Black Veil Brides biggest fans and I still am, but I’m hurting every time I hear their music or see their faces, you see, my first love was their vocalist; Andy Biersack.

And now I was forced to go see them tomorrow by my friends who didn’t even know about it.

Every time I drove to work, I had to pass a little park with swings in it, I didn’t really like swings but only because of what they reminded me of; the times spend with Andy.

I was standing in the back of the gas station, unpacking some boxes when Michelle, a younger girl who worked here as well came back to me, asking for help with English-speaking costumers since she was bad at English herself and unsecure when it came to speak the language. Of cause I wanted to help her, so I let her take over the unpacking and walked out front to meet the costumer.

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