Who Will Tell The The Story Of Your Life? - Epilogue

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The sound of a baby's cry is horrible, it physically hurt and it's impossible to explain why it hurt so much, it just does. It also wear you out like hell, cause you have to wake up in the middle of the night to make the baby stop crying cause it's your baby and you don't want it to feel bad, it's the most precious thing in your life and you want it to be happy.

I've finally managed to understand that and to experience it myself.

I couldn't help but giggle as the person next to me let out a clearly annoyed growl and rolled over in the bed, burying his face in the white pillow, making it impossible for me to gaze at his perfection, those beautiful blue eyes and perfectly shaped lips.

"It's your turn to get up, Lion, you can't run from your duty" I laughed quietly, hurting on the inside by the thought of my baby crying in the room next to ours.

"But I'm so comfortable here..." He mumbled, rolling over in the bed again so he could place a hand on each of my hips and pull me closer to him, pecking my lips quickly.

I simply glared at him, in the way only a mother can... Oh how I love using the word mother about myself, it's weird but it's just a dream finally coming true... It's keeping me from dwelling on the fact that I'll never be able to give birth again, dammit, I don't even have a uterus anymore, removed and that way saving my life. It's just hard knowing that you can't have any more kids and that you couldn't give birth to the one you have naturally, but at least I don't have to think about my period ever again and I'm alive so my kid won't have to grow up without a mother.

"Okay, okay, I'll get him" Andy's soft voice pulled me out of my long stream of thoughts, pecking my lips once more and getting out of bed.

It was really fitting him to be a dad, he was perfect at it, he was perfect at everything. It didn't take more than a minute max between Andy leaving the bed and the crying stopping, I smiled to myself, giving in to my mind and getting out if bed myself.

I walked to the baby room and simply stood in the doorway for some minutes, watching my boys. They were so perfect, and they looked so much alike, it was nearly creepy.

"I know I'm a rock star but a rock star needs sleep too" Andy muttered, stroking the baby's cheek.

"Oh, I don't see a rock star right now, I see a soft daddy" I laughed, Andy spun around and stuck his tongue out at me.

"No. No no no. I'm not a soft daddy, I'm a badass rock star daddy!" I laughed again, walking over to him and letting him wrap a free arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"You're my 'badass rock star daddy' then" I mumbled, resting my head on his chest as he kissed my forehead softly.

After five years he was still the same, just as love able and warmhearted as always.

"And I'll always be so, protecting my queen and my prince"

"So I'm a queen now? I feel so old all of a sudden" he chuckled.

"Hmm, maybe you ARE old?"I slapped his shoulder and took the baby from his arms with a laugh, turning away from him while acting insulted.

"I'm 29, give it a rest old man, over 30 eww" I hugged my baby boy closer and kissed his little cheek.

Strong arms were wrapped around me from behind, staring to tickle my stomach, making me laugh. I couldn't defend myself since I still had my baby boy in my arms.

"I'd say that you should lay Daniel to sleep and follow me before you leave for that great tour tomorrow" Andy whispered, blowing my earlobe and tracing soft kisses down my neck after finally stopping with the tickling.

"What if I don't approve of that idea?"

"Hmm that's too bad"

I put Daniel back in his crib with a small giggle and not even a second passed before Andy picked me up.

"I love you, Lex"

"Love you more, Lion"

The little girl from Denmark wasn't gone but she'd changed to become so much more and her life was my life and my life have just begun.


Hey everyone c:

I haven't checked spelling or anything in this epilogue (yet) but I just wanted to post it before I go away for a week where I won't have my precious wifi! (sob)

Writing this story have been amazing and I love each and every one of you that've read it <3 Wherever you've been active and commenting every chapter or if you've just read it in silence; I love you and you've done so much for me I can't even c':

I've been trough so much while writing this and I guess you can see that in Alex's mind, but I've also improved so much and lot of that is because of all of you; you've made me smile every day and made everything a little easier to bear ^^

I'm already starting my next project so look out for it! \(*0*)/


(I'm still not certain if I'll write a story about Daniel at one point, who knows?)

So bye for now <3

I hope you've enjoyed this just as much as I have c:

(Aaaand I posted this in Im Slowly Drowning by accident ._. SORRY! I've fixed it now)

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