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Water levitated upward, as I held up my hands guiding and shaping it. I imagined the water's temperature dropping, slowly the water began to freeze in place, the water made a cracking sound as it froze. I had gotten good at freezing water, but I was still having trouble boiling it. When I attempted to melt it slowly and shape it, it instead burst into chunks of ice. I was using a physics book to help in my craft, but reading and experimenting are two totally different things.

"Darn, I almost had it." That's when there's a knock at the boy's bathroom. I have been locking the door and practicing my powers alone on my free periods. With quick action, I levitated all of the ice into the trash and ran to unlock the door. When I exited, I ran straight in to the one person who I hoped never to meet face to face. Derek Hale, only he didn't look so good. He was deathly pale, and disorientated.

"I need your help." He said breathing a little hard. "I'm afraid that you have me-" "Jesse Dejesus, a witch...Scott's friend." He said catching me on my attempt to pretend like he had me confused with someone else. I easily pushed him against the wall and pointed a finger at his chest, "I'll help you, but don't say that so loud. Especially around Scott, or Stiles for that matter who can't keep his mouth shut to Scott." "He's going to find out sooner or later. How long do you think you have until Scott smells the magic on you and then all your secrets, are brought to the light?" He asked taunting me.

That's when he gasped out in pain, holding his head. "Stop it!" He begged falling to his knees. "Just remember who you're dealing with." I said with venom, I couldn't believe the way that I was acting, I was never this...cruel. I have never even used that spell on anyone, even after my Grandmother showed me how to do it.

With a sigh, I put his arm around me and lifted him up. This was going to suck, I could already tell. I helped him outside to see if I could find Stiles before he left. We slowly made it to the parking lot, but he walked right in front of Stiles' jeep as he came around the corner. Derek stood with his hand up, staring at the ground, he had almost no strength. He began to honk his horn for him to get out of the way, but Derek fell over losing his balance. I ran up to him trying to get up, when Scott and Stiles came over.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked him, they both looked at me confused before turning their attention back to Derek. "You don't look so good, dude." Stiles said at a quick glance towards Derek. "Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked worried, pretty sure more for himself. "It was a different kind of bullet-" "A silver bullet?" Stiles asked, but cutting off Derek. "No, you idiot." Derek said towards Stiles, "Wait, wait, that's what she meant when she said you had less than 48 hours." Scott said referring to last night where they both went looking for the Alpha. I still can't believe that all this time, it was really someone else doing all the killings and we were blaming Derek.

"Who? Who said 48 hours?" Derek said in pain, as his eyes began to glow a bright blue. "What are you doing? Stop that!" Scott said in a hushed voice as Derek couldn't stop his eyes from glowing. "That's what I'm trying to tell you...I can't." Derek said through gritted teeth and glowing blue eyes. "Derek...get up." Scott ordered him. It was embarrassing because everyone was staring at us, while we were trying to keep a low profile.

"Get him into the Jeep." I told Scott as we grabbed Derek's sides and pulled him into the blue Jeep. "I need you to find out what bullet that was." Derek said through the open window. "How do I do that?" He asked, "She's an Argent, she's with them." Derek answered trying to get Scott to agree. "Why should I help you?" Scott asked looking around, "Because you're going to need me." Derek said convincing Scott to help.

"Scott, Allison." I told him as Stiles peeled out of the parking lot as fast as he could. We turned to Allison who was walking up to us. "What was he doing here?" She asked referring to Derek. "He...Stiles was giving him a ride." Scott answered lying to her. "I thought that he wasn't your friend?" Allison asked playing 20 annoying questions. "Not really. Hey! Are we still studying together tonight?" Scott asked changing the subject. "Yeah." "Okay, great. I'll see you there." Scott said cutting her off and running back to his bike, as Allison and I had a quick staring contest before she decided to get back into her car.

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