New Blood- 9

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"Where the hell did this rain come from?" I asked to myself as I drove home from Walmart. It became increasingly harder to see as something darted in front of my car, and I stopped, accidentally hitting it. "Oh, my Gods! I'm so sorry." I said immediately apologizing with tears welling up in my eyes as I got out of my car to see who exactly I hit. It was Isaac Lahey who was laying in front of my car brushing himself off as if he was pushed to the ground and not just hit with a car going 40 miles an hour. "Jesse?" He asked, "Yeah?" I asked helping him up. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry...maybe you should lay down. You're probably running on adrenaline and..." "I'm fine." He said grabbing his broken bike and tossing it into the alley before running down that same alley. "Isaac?" I called as he ran off. "If I didn't have to get these groceries home I would so chase after you." I said before getting back into my car and driving off.

"This weather is ridiculous." I commented as I made it back to my house, it finished raining. Why can't it rain when I'm home and stop when I go outside? After putting the groceries away I went to my bathroom in my room to take a shower, and get ready for bed. But as I gripped the sink I felt like I needed to vomit as black goo began to spill from my mouth and the more I coughed and vomited the more came out. I had almost filled the sink up with the black goo when a white snake came out. It turned it's head to look at me and opened it's mouth revealing a black mouth and sharp fangs. As I screamed the mirror shattered and I blinked, the snake was gone. I looked down to see a clean sink....that was filled with mirror pieces."What the hell was that?" I asked shaken from whatever that was...was it a vision? An illusion? Or did it really happen? I wasn't sure, but knew that I would really brush my teeth tonight.

It was 8:45 in the morning when I heard a honk from a car outside. Not sure who it was as it didn't sound familiar I ignored it...until the honking got even more annoyingly. "Okay! Fine! I'm up!" I said annoyed at whoever it was, when I moved the blind I was surprised to see a black car there, but it wasn't Derek's car. I grabbed my jacket, and put on my fuzzy white slippers before heading downstairs and outside to see who was going to die today. "What is it?" I asked as the window went down and Lydia was sitting there smiling at me. "I thought that we could ride to school together." She said with a genuine smile. "Lydia, if this is because you think you owe me...." I said but she stopped me. "No, it's not. It's just...since I was little I always wanted a witch for a friend." She said desperately.  "Fine! I'll get dressed." I said before I realized that she had every intention of coming in too. "You can't come in." I said as she stepped out in a wine purple dress, matching heels, and a yellow tan leather jacket. "Why not? If you think I'm going to just let you pick out the usual fashion disasters that you usually do, then you have another thing coming." She mock threatened fiercely. "Fine!" I said grabbing her by the hand and leading her to where the force field laid. "Feel this? It's a force field, I have it up to protect the house from people who don't belong." I said, "Which obviously does not include me." She said before I opened it wide enough for her to walk through, and closing it as she made it through. "Do you have to do that every time you get here?" She asked in wonder. "I'd imagine people think you're crazy." "Actually, since we constructed it we can just walk through it unhindered. Everyone else...the only way I know of that they can get in would be one of us physically opening it." I stated as we walked up the driveway.

"Awesome!" She said as she let herself into the house. "So, let's pick you out an outfit that will have Jason drooling over you." Lydia said reminding me of Jason Cromwell the infamous Captain of the Swim Team, who I have been ignoring like the plague. Not because I don't like's because I don't have time for him. What with witchly problems, werewolf problems, and hunters everywhere...I thought it best to stay focused. Then again, I did have a desire to get rid of these feelings that I have for's just...they hurt too much. Unrequited love sucks. I can't wait for him to realize that he does love me the way I love him.  I deserve someone who loves me for me, and wants me now. "I agree." Lydia said to me as we got upstairs. "You agree with what?" I asked confused. "That you should get over Scott and move on to Jason, who is so much more hotter than Scott may I remind you." Lydia answered as she started to rummage through my closet. "You can read minds?" I asked surprised. "No, dummy. You said it out were just narrating your life." She said causing all of the blood to rush to my face in embarrassment. "Let's see what we can do. You know you're a very attractive guy, Jesse. It's just a shame that you hide it beneath all of those ugly clothes. I mean, during the prom you did show that you have some fashion sense, but in regular clothes? You look like a bum."

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