Its offical im the mate of the Alpha 5.

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Right okay I’m sorry if I haven’t uploaded in such a long time but I wasn’t sure whether I should continue or not, saying as not many people have been reading! I have decided I’m not uploading my next chapter unless I have at least 15 votes just so I know whether people like my story! Thanks.

Gracie’s P.O.V

ARE YOU STUPID!? Why are you kissing him you haven’t even known him a day Gracie, and with that I jumped of the bed and backed up to the wall. But then I felt cold and unsafe again, it was like he was my provider. God how stupid does that sound?

‘That shouldn’t have happened Chase’ I spoke barely being a whisper but I noticed the guilt in his eyes.

‘I’m sorry Gracie, i-I just thought-‘

‘Well don’t Chase! Next time think!’ I snapped back...

He seemed pretty taken back by my sudden outburst and I could feel the lump in my throat forming. Why now? I bet he thinks you’re a messed up girl, has he even seen me smile yet?  Why is he wasting his time on me? Theresa would love to get her claws into him.

I was that deep in thought I hadn’t noticed how close he was until I could feel his breath on my face, I didn’t want to look at the sympathy he would be showing in his eyes just like everyone else. That’s all they ever show you, there pitty and sympathy and I hate it. I hate not knowing what they really think about me. That might sound a little strange but all I want from people is honesty and not the show they put on for me anymore.

Chase lifted my face up with his finger which forced my eyes to meet is, I suddenly took in a sharp breath. I was shocked; he is the first person to show worry and concern in his eyes.  Why? Why is he looking at me like that? Has he worked it out? What if he has?

‘Gracie you’re worrying me what’s the matter? Just please tell me, you can trust me’ he whispered and at each word a puff of warm air would coat over my face. How do I know I could trust him? Even though he was the only person to make me feel safe with one touch how do I know?

‘How? How do I know I can trust you Chase, you invited me to your house to get away from school and you came onto me!’ woah, I wasn’t supposed to sound that harsh with him. I noticed the pain scratched in his face and I couldn’t work out why. I’ve known him less than a day and already my heads full of questions about him. I knew I shouldn’t have come, I should’ve just gone home and curled up in bed at least then I can think about stuff on my own. Seems like all I’m doing lately is thinking.

‘how do you know you can’t trust me if you don’t tell me anything Gracie, this might sound stupid because I don’t know what’s up with you but my mum always told me that if something is hurting inside you should tell people or you can never be the real you. It’s like your trapped in this pain coated body and you don’t want to be the real you in case you show how you really feel and people catch on’

I nodded at that and I think he understood what I meant because his face softened a little. He was right though I haven’t been myself since two years ago; I felt a shiver go down my spine. But since I’ve been thinking about it much more lately I’ve come to realize it wasn’t my fault really. A few things he did I might have asked for but what did I ever do to him? I thought I loved him. But it seemed to be love through fear. I went over to his bed and sat on with my head lowered as if I was a child that had been naughty in the supermarket. I felt the mattress sink down next to me and knew he was waiting for me to speak. Even with him not touching me I could feel a connection; cliché I no, I watched movies after movies where people spoke about connections and I never understood what they were on about because I never thought I was possible. But know I guess it is right?

‘I’ve never told anyone before so i-i-I’m sorry if it takes me a while but just give me time. Before I start can I ask you something Chase?’ I spoke loud enough for him to hear as I looked up and met his gorgeous black eyes I saw patience and love. Wait love?

‘Sure thing princess’ he stated matter-of-factly with a signature smirk on his face, which made me giggle at how forward he was.

‘Why do you care about me when you haven’t known me barley a day?’ I spilled out before I could stop myself and instantly looked down.

I heard him chuckle a little and he kneeled in front of me and peeked under my fallen hair over my eyes. I looked up and what he said next shocked me.

‘Gracie why do you put yourself down so much? You’re beautiful, smart, sweet, cute, amazing, friendly, sexy... so so sexy and so much more for me to find out. It’s obvious something bad has happened to you but I’m not one to judge anyone, you can tell me in your own time I don’t mind. I just, don’t want anyone to hurt you when no one deserves to be hurt. You deserve happiness just as much as everyone else does’ and with that I didn’t feel scared to tell him anymore.

‘Well, It started two years ago, my mate Andy had this friend who was single and got us talking over Facebook & a couple of weeks later a few of us went cinema, we ended up going out’ I took a deep breath and at him, his face was full of content and worry, he sensed I was worried and rubbed his hand up and down my arm to try and sooth me. It wasn’t till then I realized what I was doing and tensed up. He felt me do it and look at my face confused.

‘I shouldn’t have come here Chase. I shouldn’t have told you that, please I want to go back to school if you don’t mind’ I managed to choke out.

‘Urm yeah that’s fine if that’s what you want’ he whispered and hung his head in shame probably feeling guilty.

Okay so hopefully this is a little longer if not then it’s a big fail! Haha. Like always tell me what you think. Like I said 15 votes for the next chapter  :D. Thanks.

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