Chapter Two

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Hello my beautiful readers! :) Thank you for reading my story. I'd really appreciate any feedback you have on this story, because it is a brand new story and I want to make sure that it's up to certain standards. The picture in this chapter is Dax Calloway (Francisco Lachowski). Thank you all for your love and support. Enjoy! :)


Arie's P.O.V.

I whirled around in the direction where the husky voice came from. I found out who had spoken.

The devilishly handsome man across the room.

My breath caught in my throat, as we held each other's gazes, sizing the other person up.

I was stunned by how undeniably attractive he was. His face had sharp and structured features; his jawline, alone, was probably as sharp as a knife's edge. Wavy, dark brown hair was ruffled messily on his head, giving him the 'I don't care' look. There was a little bit of stubble covering his face, which was probably there because they don't allow mental patients to utilize sharp objects, in fear that they'll hurt themselves or someone else. Regardless, the stubble only made him more rugged, more dangerous.

It was his eyes that caught my attention, though.

They were so dark, that they appeared to be black from far away. There was a wicked mischievousness to them, like he found everything absolutely amusing.

It was definitely his eyes that sealed the deal. They were too intense, too alluring to look away from. I almost felt hypnotized as I continued to stare at him.

He was the type of guy to get what he wanted. He could convince anyone to do anything just by looking at them.

It was the eyes that did me in.

"Who are you?" This time, when he asked, his voice was full of curiosity.

"Apparently your new roommate," I responded dryly, continuing to study him. Something was off about him. He was too perfect, like an angel.

Angels didn't belong in mental hospitals.

I watched him cautiously as he stood up from the bed and walked over to me. My eyes trailed up and down his figure, trying to get a read on what type of person he was. My gaze drifted from his angel face to the white t-shirt covering his toned body, down to the grey sweatpants he was wearing. He walked confidently over to me, not missing a step. Waves of arrogance, intelligence, and darkness drifted off him.

He stopped right in front of me, making me crane my head up to stare back at him. A wicked smirk graced his face.

"Dax Calloway," he introduced himself, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

 I was too busy to even notice the outstretched hand.

I finally knew what was off about him.

His eyes.

While they had the ability to allure and intrigue you, they also held this emotionlessness in them. They were blank and unfeeling. There was no spark in them.

They were just swirling pools of darkness, begging you to take a dip in their wickedness.

My body tensed, as my face went expressionless.

"Sociopath," I whispered to myself.

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