Chapter 18- Dinner with the Family

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so muck for reading this story! I hope you like this chapter as much as I do because it is by far my favorite one!! It is a little longer too so I hope that makes you happy as well!!! Enjoy! And please please comment and tell me what you think! Good or bad!!! :)

This chapter is dedicated to DeerInHeadlights because her story Introducing Sam is one of my favorites on Wattpad! Check her out!!! :)

If you want to know what Maria is wearing and what her room looks like then find the External Link on the side and it will be on Polyvore :)

-Hannah :)


Maria’s POV:

After enjoying some delicious Frozen Yogurt with Ryan and Rach, Evan and I figured it was time to get ready for tonight. We said goodbye to Ryan and Rach; who Evan and I secretly concluded were at an awkward point of mutual denial about their feelings for each other. I mean clearly they both liked each other but each denied it whenever we joked about it. Oh well. Evan and I will get them together one of these days.

It was a little past 5:30 so Evan and I still had an hour until dinner. Even though it was at my house my parents insisted that I should arrive when Evan’s family does. Don’t ask me why, they can be like that sometimes. I decided I should go home and change clothes and then head over to Evan’s house and wait until it was time to go with them back to my house.

That is how we ended up now, driving to my house to so I could change clothes. Evan had still insisted on driving and it didn’t really bother me even though he was driving my car. I enjoyed being able to sing and joke around without having to focus on driving. Plus I could stare at Evan the whole time from the passenger seat and watch how when he laughed he would get crinkles around his eyes and when he smiled over at me I swear when his eyes landed on mine his smile got just the tiniest bit bigger. He was absolutely gorgeous and I mean that in the most masculine sense of the word. But aside from his looks, his heart continued to amaze me.

All week I practically did nothing since all the kids wanted was to be in his presence. When we did activities and a group leader had to demonstrate the screamed for Evan to do it. When it was lunch time I couldn’t even sit next to him because the kids surrounded him and even sat in his lap as he ate his food. He just smiled and looked at me knowing there was nothing he could do about it.

Once Gracie had fallen and scraped her knee and instantly started crying. Evan scooped her up and spun her around like she was flying. She instantly forgot about her knee and was laughing like crazy as he continued to spin her in circles. When he set her down and I came over with a band-aid she insisted she didn’t need one because Evan had “spun the hurt out of her”. Little things like that made me stop and stare so often it was crazy.

“So is this like a casual dinner? Or a fancy thing? Semi-casual maybe?” Evan asked me bringing me back to the present. We had just pulled into my driveway and he had stopped to turn the engine off.

“Just casual is all,” I told him as I unbuckled and placed my hand on the door to get out.

“Darn. I was prepared to amaze you with how good I look in a tux!” Evan told me with a wink.

Instantly the thought of Evan in a black tuxedo and a bowtie flashed into my mind and boy was it a sight to see. I blushed and turned to get out of the car so he wouldn’t be able to tell just how much that image had an effect on me.

“I saw that blush pretty lady,” Evan told me as he met me on the passenger side of the car.

“You saw nothing!” I denied him with a playful pat on his chest. He caught my hand and interlaced his fingers in mine as we headed into my house. We looked around but found nobody home. I guess my parents were out at the store getting last minute supplies. “Come on, I want you to see my room.” I told Evan and led him back to my room. He didn’t protest and followed silently.

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