Chapter 28- Very Special Birthday Presents

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So sorry this took so long to update! Please read note at end! Thanks! enjoy! :)

Evan’s POV:

“It’s the big day buddy! How does it feel?” Nick questioned me as I rolled out of bed. The last couple of days had flown by and I couldn’t believe it was Wednesday already, my birthday.

“Uh…Great?” I answered, not awake enough to answer with more than one word.

“You’re 18! You’re a man now! An adult! Now you can buy lottery tickets!” Nick exclaimed.

“That would be the one thing you think of that you can do when your 18,” I said shaking my head and heading for the shower.

“You can drink in Europe too!” Nick told me as I closed the door, ending our conversation.

I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how much has happened since my last birthday. When I turned 17 I had this huge party out on the lake and there were people there that I didn’t even know. At the time I had thought it was awesome; I felt special to have all that attention. It’s strange how now, that would just seem like a waste. I wouldn’t enjoy a party like that and that was why I was looking forward to tonight. It was just going to be me and my friends, plus Maria who made it even better.

Last summer I hadn’t known my mom was going to go into remission and die. I hadn’t known I would spend the end of my junior year practically depressed. I hadn’t known I would end up spending this summer in South Carolina and I hadn’t known I would meet Maria. I hadn’t known a lot of things and I feel like if I would of I would have done a few things differently; but that’s life, you never know what is going to happen. You just have to live and enjoy what you got when you have it. Who would have thought YOLO would have some truth to it.

I quickly showered and dressed, excited for the day ahead. When I walked into the kitchen everyone was gathered around the table already. Ben and Tess got up and each gave me a happy birthday hug. Nick smiled and yelled “18 buddy!” before continuing on his stack of pancakes my dad had fixed him. Ashley gave me a hesitant smile and a wave with a soft “Happy Birthday Evan,” whispered in my direction. She had been acting strange ever since her and Maria had went on that walk. Not a bad strange, just a more quiet and observant version of herself. Whatever it was, I wasn’t complaining.

“Happy Birthday Evan!” T and J yelled, jumping on my back from behind me. I spun around and picked them up and gave then a hug while spinning in a circle.

“Thanks guys,” I said ruffling their hair and pushing them towards the food dad had laid out on the counter.

“Happy Birthday, son,” my dad said from over by the stove. I walked over and wrapped him into a big hug. I knew he was thinking about how he wished mom could be here, to be honest we both were, and the hugged helped calm us both. “Finally 18, who woulda thought,” he said chuckling to himself.

We ate breakfast and soon, the whole gang including my dad and brothers, were walking down the beach towards Maria’s. Having spent all of Monday hanging out at Maria’s with Ryan and Rach, my friends couldn’t wait to get back. I couldn’t blame them though. Maria’s house was amazing: definitely not what we had back in Wisconsin.

“Evan!” I heard Maria yell as she ran up to me and everyone else filed on past, knowing we would catch up with them. “Hey birthday boy!” she said cheerfully, wrapping her arms around my neck and rising up on her tip toes.

I rested my hands on her waist, pulling her closer and smiling teasingly down at my gorgeous girlfriend. Even with her hair up and a tank and shorts on, with a bikini peeking through underneath, she looked flawless.

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