The Woods

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I sit silently. Lucky for me the bushes on this part of the highway are quite high; they hide my tall frame perfectly. I watch motionlessly for a sign of movement down the road. Everything is quiet. A bird chirps in a tree nearby and I can feel the padding of a rabbit's feet on the ground somewhere behind me. Much would want me to catch it for dinner, but i know I can find more food - better food - than rabbit later. Right now I have a job to do.

I can't see it yet, but I can hear it coming. I would say it's just around the bend, it's close. I know Little John is probably looking for us in the trees, but I already know where everyone is. Little John is hidden in the bushes, just after the bend in the road. Much is in the tree across from me and Will is up the tree to my left.

I can see part of Little John's jacket from where I'm hidden, Much's hat is just visible through the trees and Will's foot is hanging just next to my head. I tap his foot to let him know he's about to kick me in the forehead and he swings at me. I knew it was coming, but I really need to work on my reflexes, he almost hit me that time. I glare up at him and I can see his perfect smile through the leaves. FOCUS JJ! I have to stay focussed on the task ahead of me. I look round at everyone again, I can still see them all. Well, almost everyone. I can't see Rob, but I know he's hidden in the branches above the road.

Rob's always there.

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