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I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here. An hour? Four? I don’t know and I don’t really care. I need a plan.

After all this time, after all this hiding, I can’t be found now. Rob got me out of London so I could start fresh, what’s the point in him doing that if I’m just going to get caught again? Of all the places he can go why doe he have to be in Nottingham? I have to leave. I’ll wait until they all go to sleep and then I’ll leave, When the guys go hunting I’ll pack all the necessities and then at nightfall I’ll disappear. I did, after all, learn from the best at disappearing; nobody will find me this time. 

I track my way back to the hideout, but it’s empty. I would have thought they’d be back by now, but they must have gone hunting. I disappear behind the branches that hide our camp from the sight of any hunters, travellers or soldiers snooping around and make my way across the clearing to my bedding against the steep rock face at the back of the clearing. This is my space, none of the guys come near it; it’s the only place I wont share with anyone else.

I start to pack everything I need to take before they get back. I don’t know how long they’ve been gone and I don’t know when Rob will call everyone back. I pull my satchel off my shoulder and start to pack my belongings, I only have a few but the ones I have are extremely important. My clothes go in the bag, my spare cap, a worn piece of ribbon and a small wooden horse also go into the satchel. I cant pack my bedroll or any food until dark.

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