Phils POV
I was leaving in 2 days so I was gonna make pj my queen.when he woke up, I told him to sit down and I asked him
Will you be my boyfreind.
He then said yes and pushed me onto the sofa and started kissing me.we then got up still kissing and pushed me to the wall.we did this for a while before going for a shower together.he let down his towel,lightly kissed me and got in.i then let down my towel down and got In.we made out that's it.
We then got ready for the day before texting people
We started by telling dan and Chris, dan was aloud to tell mia
The zoe and alfie'
Then louise as she had a right to know,I was excited to go how to see ells but I dident wanna leave my peanut and jelly like p eanut and j jelly you see.
then all our other freinds and family.
I went from tongue tanya if you get me not to be mean she is lovely
Ab noxious abbey
Lovely louise
To perfect pjI couldn't be happier.
We got so many good responses,dan and Chris knew it,zoe and alfie were supporting us and doing a morph to see what our baby's will look like,louise was so glad and fine she moved on so could I. Our family was fine with it.acctully they were all fine with it.but now comes the hard part viewers.we diced to not film it now so phils got a reason to come round and now we could kiss so we did.i went straight in,he was in shock,then I broke the kiss to see what he would do.he pulled me in closer so I took that as a good was kinda like a heat of the moment kiss on the back was to the wall with his hands on my chest.he moved his hands to the wall and started kissing down my neck he then nearly kissed me on the cheek when I dodge again and it goes to my lips then he starts kissing harder so I push him to the sofa.i started kissing him before we decided to got to the hot tub.we were currently naked in the hot tub just normal kissing,then he started kissing me harder and I'm not gonna go into that
I woke up and me and peanut and jelly decided to have one last shower together. After that a movie and kissing it was time for me to leave I was quite sad.before I left we sang perfect two and my fave line is you can be my peanut butter to my jelly
kisses and cuddles youtuber fan fic
Romansait is were there is drama about love and youtubers