Wait this isn't a dream

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"Well I remember I was asleep on my bed then I woke up in the street quite a ways away from my house."

"Do you think your parents survived?" Whats up with her and questions.

"No I saw their dead bodies on the ground before I passed out." I lied; she made me don't blame me blame her.

Soon there was a knock on the door and she left as, wait why the hell is he here.


'There standing in front of me was captain Levi himself humanity's strongest and my...' My thoughts were interrupted by Levi tching. He walked over to me and looked me up and down. 'What in the world is going on' puzzled I tried to stand only to fall onto the short annoying midget. Right I didn't finish my thought from earlier, '...my friends hero and my nemesis even if he didn't know it.

"Brat get off me!" He ordered while pushing me off him. Hanji rushes back into the room seeing Levi with his foot on my head. I could tell that Levi was enjoying this just by the glint in his eyes.

"Levi get off her she's injured enough as it is." She shouted running over to me then out of no where she turns to Levi and orders him to put me onto the bed. I start to laugh and he glares at me but obeys Hanji only so he doesn't have to hear her voice any longer.

"Oh whoah my hero," I said my voice laced with sarcasm. "Now Hanji what do you mean by 'injured enough at it is?" I stared at both people in front of me being as serious as possible.

"Wait you don't even know," she paused looking at Levi she continued as he nodded, "You are paralyzed hips down." She gave me a worried look and was going to calm me down, but Levi told her to get out.

'Great i'm paralyzed wait this is just a crazy anime dream right I have to wake up.' I looked over at Levi and realized he had on his 3DM Gear on swords and all. Smiling I looked back up to Levi's face; though I look back down when I meet his icy stare. Man his stare is just as bad as when it's on t.v maybe even colder than ice.

"So who are you and how did you survive outside the walls over a hour after the evacuation ended?" He asked getting really close. I leaned back and thought about how I could wake up. "Answer me Brat."

Snapping out of my trance I look straight in his face and with the most serious face I could muster I replied, "No fudgen idea," Then I rolled to the head of the bed and pulled myself into a ball in the corner. I could tell he was getting frustrated by my childish antics.

he groaned and sit down on the bed running a hand through his hair. He looked at me and I just glared back. "Why do you seem to hate me, only my cadets hate me, or at least people who work with me do?" He asked me with a tilt of his head.

Me trying to annoy him to the point where he would get lost replied with a simple statement, "I have the right to remain silent, also I have the right to a person to represent me in court if I can't hire one you will hire someone for me." I looked up at the roof then rolled off the bed and onto the hard stone floor. "Ow ow ow not a good idea," I said rubbing my elbows where I hit them on the ground. Looking back up I glanced at Levi then tried to stand.

After a couple of failed attempts to stand up I just layed down on the ground. Hearing a snicker I looked up at Levi who had an amused look on his face, "Would you like some help little girl." Then I realized on one of my attempts I stood straight up, though I fell after 5 seconds, I saw I was shorter than Levi. How.

"Yeah you can go feed me to the Titans; maybe that will wake me up," I mumbled the last part to were only I could hear. Trying to stand you actually could well at least enough to fall back onto the bed.

"Wait you want to die at the hands of the Titans?" he asked puzzled.

"Duh isn't that what I just said well it's that or let me run your sword right through my heart. I find Death by Titans to be cleaner," Ok so there is one or two things that we have in common with each other. We both are clean freaks and really short compared to others our age.

"Fine i'll ask commander Erwin, but after his answer there's no going back," He said standing up to leave the room. Finally I will be able to go home well wake up I guess though I won't miss that midget.

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