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The dinner bell rang startling me awake. I had fallen asleep on top of the base, yet it was better sleep than the night before. With a yawn and a stretch I grab the mysterious journal which is now being used to record whatever this is.

The stone roof echoes with the clicks of my heels. Cool wind blows past me taking all worry of mine with it. I stopped caring whether I'm going to make it home or not because for once I have a purpose. My stride was full of new found pride.

Every part of me was glowing as I walk through the halls. A giant smile found a home on my face as well as a shine in my eyes. Letting a low humming escape my throat I mentally sing 'We Are The Champions'. My eyes close and I keep walking with pride and courage...

Big Mistake...

I hit a wall and fall back. Groaning I hear the wall grunt... wait walls don't grunt. I peak beyond my slitted eyes only to find Eld chuckling at Levi who is on the ground, rear in the air. I hit Levi not a wall, that's just great. Sighing I get up and reach my hand towards the pedo.

"God I hope he doesn't pull any pedo stunts..." I flinch as Eld bursts out laughing. Looking at him confused I realize what I just did. I called Levi a pedo out loud to his arse. I feel a cold chill fill the hallway. Slowly backing away I see him rise like a demon from the pits of fire.

"Hehehe... I mean... oh my gosh Levi im sooooo sorry..." I force a nervous chuckle and take a few hopping steps back. I know I might just die tonight.

"You f****** short stack, piece of s***, how dare you. Do you see this scuff on my shoe how about the dust on my shirt? You will come with me. You will eat late. You will clean every part of my outfit under my strict watch," He growls and sends a sideways glare at Eld Jinn who is holding back his laughs.

Eld coughs and straightens his jacket, "Yeah im gonna go get dinner. I will tell them to save two plates for you guys," He walks past me, but not before he whispers, "Good luck Newbie."

'I'm screwed. He is going to kill me... or worse he is going to go full pedo on me.' I shudder at the thought. Sighing I follow him to the laundry room. The lowest floor of the base where no one can hear you. Just great.

Every hall we walked through was silent and empty it drove me crazy. The halls, yet to be lit my torches, were filled by moonlight. A peaceful light, but it kept me from seeing his face.

"So um... Levi how was cadet training?" I ask hoping to break this freaky silence. Although all I received was a tsk and a growl. Still wanting conversation I aimed away from work and something personal, "So how old are you? I hear from everyone you're like 60. That's like really old. How do you keep your hair so dark? Shouldn't it be grey?"

He flinches, but keeps walking. After a few minutes of silence he speaks up, "Who says I'm 60?" I chuckle and shrug so tempted to bump into him in a joking manor... I voted against it.

"Well I am not that old but I am older than 30."

I mentally face palm as that is the exact answer the creator of AOT gave. I want to push but I can tell I have already pushed him to his last button. So I let the rest of the walk happen in silence.

After what seemed like forever we arrive at the laundry room. It was a huge room full of water pumps and tubs. You could tell most of it had not been used due to lack of recruits signing up to be part of the scout's regiment.

I turn to him once I spot zero changes of clothes for him, "Um Levi, where are your spare clothes?" He chuckles and begins to strip. His ascot was the first to go. Lastly his shirt. I turn away and snatch the clothes beginning to wash them.

"What, you have seen me in less pipsqueak." He lets a low chuckle flow from his lips as he neatly hangs the straps from his cloths up. He seems to not care that he is standing there shirtless in tight white pants.

"Well yes... but that still doesn't change the fact it's weird," I growl.

"Why is it weird? Does the shorty like me?"

"What! No. How dare you... you... you pedophile."

"What even is that? You call me it and all I know is it is offensive."

Choking on my spit I begin a coughing fit. Dropping his ascot into the water I hold onto the wooden tub and try to regain stable breathing. I feel a hand pat my back as Levi comes to squat next to me.

He tsks and removes his precious puffy fabric from the water, "You're too clumsy," He states hanging it up, and patting out the wrinkles.

"Well I was born like this, so I can't help it. The real question is why do you always act like there is a stick up yo..." He shuts me up with a cold stare. Taking two strides forward he pulls me up by my shirts collar.

"Why are you so f****** childish?"

"Why do you always glare at people, you're going to fail at your mission unless you actually let people help you!"

He pushed me and turns to walk away. SPLASH. I stumbled in to tub cutting my arm on the metal scrapper. Yelping I touch the gash in my arm. Adrenaline flows through my body filling me with rage. I look up only to find the jerk already left leaving me in the room alone. The clicking of heels ring in my ears as I climb out of the tub and collapse on the floor.

I'm not sure where that rage came from, but it definitely connects with this world. Moving like molasses I get to my feet and stumble to the wall. I must be losing more blood than I thought.

I tug my left sleeve off to see the wound. Yeah it's kind of bad. You can see the skin surrounding the cut turning purple-ish blue. Growling I black out. Last thing I hear is the journal man's voice, "Now don't do anything child. Use this for good not evil. Don't make me regret choosing you."

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