Chapter 5

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Amy POV:

By midnight, everyone is gone, so Ricky and I decide to go back home to his apartment. We get home and he paused at the doorway. He turns to me and says, "There's something I want to tell you. Not right now, but tonight." I nod. I can't help but feel curious. What does he need to tell me? Is he cheating on me? Does he think it's a mistake that we got married? "What is it?" I ask, as he pulls off the jacket of his suit, "you can tell me anything." I walk over to the couch, where he now sits, fear in his eyes.

Ricky POV:

I am too terrified to speak. I don't know what she'll say. "Umm..."I finally sputter out, "I w-wanna have another kid." I expect to see disdain in her eyes but I see only surprise. She sits down next to me on the couch and to my great surprise, says " I do too." I just look at her. "Not now of course but-" I am cut off. "No. Now. Soon." She says. How could I not know that she wanted more kids? "I mean, John is turning four soon and I'm going to be nineteen, and I know it seems young but I really just want to have another kid." She admits. I guess it makes sense. she'll be nineteen and I'm turning twenty pretty soon, we can handle it.

Amy POV:

I have thought about having more kids before, but I have never actually expressed any real feelings about it to Ricky until now. But the truth was told. I did want to have another kid. Also, it just makes me feel like we have a real commitment. I reached over and grabbed Ricky's hand to pull him close to me. My hand snaked up under his shirt and around the firm muscles in his back. His muscles tensed for a moment and finally released. He began kissing me passionately, pushing me down onto the bed. For a while we just kissed growing more passionate by the minute. He pulled away for a brief moment as I pulled off my simple and short wedding dress. Tossing it to the floor, I yanked off his shirt and pants. Things from there on were slow and easy. Nothing particularly ecstatic nor painful. Everything was in slow graceful movements as we shimmied beneath the covers.

Two weeks later, my period due date had arrived. It was late! I hoped and prayed that I was pregnant. I'm sure that another baby would be a lot to handle but I really wanted another kid. "Ricky!!" I shouted from the bathroom. "What? What is so important that you have awoken me from my peaceful slumber?" He jokingly responded after just waking up. "I'm late!" I squealed.
"Your period?" He questioned excitedly. "Do you think you're pregnant?"
"Thats fantastic!!" He half shouted, waking John up. A few seconds later John walked out of his bedroom and into the living room. "What are you shouting about?" He asked, in his squeaky kid voice. "You might have a little brother or sister on the way!" I said.

Ricky POV:

I can't believe that Amy might be pregnant! I just keep hoping she is and praying that we have a healthy baby on the way. "Hey Amy" I said "do you want me to pick up a test for you at the drugstore tonight?"
"Yea. That would be great. I'd do it myself but I'm working an extra shift today at the nursery. Thanks!"

I walk down to the butcher shop and see bunny sitting at the counter calculating something. "Hey bunny?" I ask, "can I have some time off work today at my lunch break? I have to pick something up for Amy."
"Yea. You can."
"Yes. And um... these walls aren't sound proof. I can hear what you say through the vents. But your little secret is safe with me."
"Thanks." I say, heat rushing to my cheeks. She knows that Amy might be pregnant.

At lunch break I took my car and drove to the nearest drugstore. I searched the isles, looking for the most accurate pregnancy test available. Finally, I decide on a package Tru Test. It carries two tests inside and has 5 star rating. After I bought the package, I take my car and drive back to the butcher's shop.

When in get there Margaret is standing near the entryway to the shop. "What's in the drugstore bag?" She asks, seeming concerned. "Oh nothing." I reply, "Just cough medicine for John." She nods slightly as I continue my way into the store. As I walk through the door, I trip on a small raised patch by the door. As I fall, my grip on the bag loosens and drops to the floor, exposing the contents. Margaret is now standing above me, her eyes searching for an explanation.

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