Chapter 15

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Chloe's PoV

( another time skip, sorry guys!)

"Only one more big push!!" The doctor said to me and started to countdown.. "3..2...1..push!" He shouted.

I pushed as hard as I could and then the room was filled with screams of a tiny infant girl. The doctors cut her cord and rushed her over to the nearest sink to wash her.

When they were done washing her they handed me her and she was dressed already in the cute little newborn baby clothes that image the doctors.

"She's beautiful.." Joe said, kissing my head.

"Yeah, she looks just like you.." I said, resting my head on joes shoulder. It was true. She had his eyes that if you stared into them for too long you'd get lost.

A/N sorry about the time skips but the story was going too slow ugh anyways ily all thanks for over 40 reads x

It started at Vidcon - J.S ♡Where stories live. Discover now