Chapter 22

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Arcadian went outside and headed to Aurora, Dante was right beside him. "I'm going to meet the Knights of the Round Table" Dante said. "I'm going to go practice with Seta" Arcadian said. While Arcadian was practicing with Seta and Dante was talking to the Knights of the Round Table and Libra. Aria was at school heading to her locker. When she got there three girls came over slamming her locker. "Oops sorry, my bad" One of the girls laughed. Aria opened her locker again got her books and walked off. Aria headed up stairs into science when the door was about to close, when the door was about close a teacher opened it and said "Sorry Aria there you go". "Thank you" she answered. After science Aria walked to math when the three girls from before went towards her. "I don't want to cause trouble" Aria demanded. "No we make trouble bitch" one the girls said. Mr. Jay came out and yelled "YOU THREE I WANT YOU THREE TO REPORT TO MR. JOHNSON'S OFFICE NOW"! One of the girls took a swing right for Aria, Aria dropped her books. She deflected her attack, using the side of her elbow. Aria nailed the girl in the stomach; she dropped to the ground holding her stomach. "If I were you I suggest you do what he told you to do" Aria said. Two of the three girls help the girl up and they all headed to Mr. Johnson's office. "Your free to go Aria, I'll let your math teacher know the situation, so you can be excused for being tardy" said Mr. Jay. Aria scooped up her books and walked to math. After a long day Aria was finally in study hall where she can relax and read her book until school day was over.

"Arcadian think fast" said Seta. He threw three knives Arcadian using his arms he deflected them. The knives spun in the air, Arcadian grabbed each one and threw them back. Seta threw the same number of knives he threw at Arcadian; the knives hit each other falling to the ground. Arcadian put his hand on the ground and said "Scatter blitz". Lightning scattered towards Seta like vines growing on a wall. Seta jumped into the air, Arcadian jumped towards him. He threw his leg kicking him in the gut; he went flying into a wall. Seta landed against the wall and slid down to the ground. Seta blown up into white smoke "Nice trick, but try this" he said behind Arcadian. Seta kicked Arcadian into the back; he then took his neck and threw him towards the wall. Arcadian focused then disappeared. Arcadian reappeared charging right at Seta with the Chidoria. Seta dodged the attack, and then got into position. A giant Ying-Yang appeared below Arcadian and Seta. Seta using his index finger and middle finger he lunged at Arcadian striking different points on his body "8 trigram 4 palm" "8 palm" "16 palm" "32 palm" "64 palm". After the last one Seta struck Arcadian hard, to where he made Arcadian hit the ground hard. "8 trigram 64 palms, Damon taught me that move. By using my chakra I can hit your chakra points and block the chambers. Which in this case the opponent is an easy target, with the chakra blocked and the points blocked, the opponent can't use chakra. This makes him an easy target" Seta explained. Arcadian got and focused his energy. Red chakra started to gather around him "Even though my chakra points are blocked I can still use my chakra, because it comes from my heart, not from my body". Using one hand Arcadian made a hand sign. The chakra that was around him gathered around his hand, it soon traveled up his hand to his shoulder. The chakra changed into armor, Arcadian closed his eyes then said in his head "Sharingan". His opened his eyes and they were in the sharingan form. Seta smiled and said "Dremen". Seta eyes turned into his eyes (his eyes are like Arcadian's except they're red with a viper's pupil). Dremen is a spell that is in Seta's blood line. When the user activates Dremen, the user can see what the opponent is going to do next, plus the user can reflect any spell or justu back at them. And copy the spell or justu too. Arcadian punched the ground sending fire towards Seta. He jumped into the air then using one foot he stopped the ground. Water erupted from Seta heading towards Arcadian. Both the fire and water connected created steam and fog. "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Justu" said Arcadian. Seta couldn't see anything, and then all you hear is slicing sound four times. The fog went away; Seta was lying on the ground not moving. Arcadian appeared behind him with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Seta exploded into water "My turn Ninja Art: RISING TWIN DRAGONS!" Gray color dragon appeared out of nowhere, both were heading towards Arcadian. "I don't think so AERODYNAMIC!" a burst of wind gathered around Arcadian. The dragons collided against Arcadian. The dragon soon disappeared and Seta appeared "Nice work". Arcadian took out his sword stabbed it into the ground, bit his thumb rub the blood along with hilt and then he made a hand sign and soon he was in his devil trigger. Seta took his sword out threw it up in the air, bit his thumb and slammed his hand down. A giant circle surrounded with symbols appeared a white cylinder shined. Seta was in his devil trigger, he drew his sword out ready to fight. "Let's test our strengths out with our devil triggers shall we" Arcadian said. "With pleasure" Seta answered. Both charged at each other, their swords collided sending energy in all directions. "Heat Sink" the blade of Arcadian's sword became hot and started to show friction against Seta blade. Arcadian swung upward sending Seta blade into the air. Arcadian kicked Seta in the stomach knocking him down. Seta kicked Arcadian in the back of the head; he got up jumped into the air grabbing his sword. He came down the blade pointing towards the ground; the blade pierced the ground sending lightning, earth, fire, water, and wind around Seta. Arcadian held his sword backwards got himself into position for the attack. "ELEMENTAL CHAIN!" the elements that were surrounding Seta broke off into five blades. All five blades were connected to one chain "try this!" Seta swung the weapon the blades connected sending shock waves towards Arcadian. The elements hit Arcadian sending him in a wall. "UGH!" Arcadian fell out the wall landing on the ground. Seta swung the chain around in circles. Arcadian got up grasp a hold of his sword "Come on show me what you got". Seta swung his chain again but in different combos. Arcadian dodged left, right, he had to jumped, duck, and misses every move. For every time he avoids the attack, the chain gets stronger. Seta jumps into the air he grabs hold of the chain, he swings the chain around and around. He lets go of it letting it fly into the air, he starts to make hand signs "ELEMENT METERO!" The blades break off, each one form into meteors. Seta put's his hand into the air. Each meteor grows stronger and powerful, and increases more intensity, Seta throw's his hand down, each meteor flew towards Arcadian. Arcadian stabs his sword into the ground "LIGHTNING STYLE: STORM ULTIMA!" Lightning erupted violently around Arcadian growing more intensity, power and strength. Arcadian cups his hands together, lightning started to build up in his hand. The meteors were getting close Arcadian thruster his hands in the air opening at the same time. The lightning that was in his hand exploded from his hand "RAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" The blast destroyed the meteors Seta crossed his arms then flew them open sending energy towards the blast. It destroyed the blast both Arcadian and Seta were fine. Arcadian and Seta got up he seen Seta got up, grabbed his sword charged towards Seta. Seta jumped kicking him in the head knocking him back down. Seta grabbed a scroll from his back pocket. He threw in the air then using his chakra, he opened the scroll. Seta jumped up while making hand signs, he bit his thumb wiping the blood a crossed it. "Summoning Jutsu: BLACK SUN!" a sword that was dark as a black hole appeared. It was shaped as a katana but curved near the tip and the handle curved too. A black gem that had a dark orange color shined, so did the blade was the same color. Seta grabbed the sword; he flew back down holding his sword. Arcadian chuckled "Alright let's have fun shall we". He started to make hands signs "try this...........ULTIMA!" A giant green flame/wave of energy exploded traveling towards Seta. Seta smirked "humph not to bad". Seta swung his sword sideways, black/orange flames erupted racing towards the green flames/wave. Both spells exploded abruptly destroying everything in the radius. Arcadian flew straight towards, Seta didn't get to move Arcadian punched Seta in the gut, kicked him in the head, hitting him in the leg with the hilt of his sword, and left right up down Arcadian was nailing Seta left and right. Seta couldn't even react, every time he tried to move he got hit by Arcadian. Arcadian then grabbed Seta by his arm a chain appeared wrapping around his arm. He threw the chain upward, and then threw the chain down sending Seta down to the ground. A giant dust ball blow up dirt and rubble went everywhere. When the dust and debris blew away Seta was in lying not moving. Arcadian came down looking at Seta "Nice job". "You too" Arcadian said. He grabbed his arm putting it around his neck helping him out of the Arena. "Thanks brother" "Your welcome you've gotten stronger than I expected" Arcadian said. Arcadian and Seta came out still chatting when Arcadian smelled a familiar smell. "What is it?" Seta asked. Arcadian closed his eyes and made formed hand signs and then said "Disha". Arcadian's mind followed the smell. Once he got to where the smell came from he opened his in shock. "Arcadian what is going on" Seta worried. Arcadian ran towards were the scent stopped. Seta formed hand signs and vanished. "I'm here what's going on" Seta said in his mind. "Somebody is at the Crusade Temple, after I battled Magmora I took the old trees that were down and built a temple for the people of Aurora Crusade" Arcadian explained. Once Arcadian got there a man with a dark cloak with a cross on it, with the hood up to where you can't see the face, the figure had a sword strapped against the hip it had a skull as the guard (the skull's face is facing outward, the blade is coming out the skull's head from the top). The hilt curved inward from both sides, the handle had a violet wrapping crossing both ways, forming an X all the down to the hilt. The figure was wearing boots with buckles on them, black wrappings around the hands, and a vest type armor with a black shirt underneath.

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