Ch 5

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We decided to walk around the neighborhood, we have so many restaurants and delis and bakery's on our neighborhood. We stopped at one little restaurant that had basically the normal any little restaurant would have.

Hunter and I sat a table with only 2 seats. I saw my friend (Brittany) and her boyfriend (jake) come. I also saw my old school crush (nick) They walked up to the table and said hi, they also asked who the guy was,
"Uhh, this is hunter, he's my uhh boyfriend."
"Since when did you get a boyfriend?" Nick asked
"Umm.... well we just started dating"

They left the table and hunter and I ordered.
"Who was that, I mean the guy"
"That was uhh, nick he used to be my umm, well my crush" I said with a sigh
"He seemed excited to hear you had a boyfriend." Hunter said with a face I've never seen him do before
"It's ok hunter i don't like him anymore, I'm dating you remember, and I choose you because I love you and I always will, I don't care about nick anymore I care about you."
He looked up at me and smiled giving me a kiss on the forehead.

We finished our lunch and was getting ready to pay. I saw hunter getting his money out and I was trying to stop him. "No, hunter you don't have to do that I got it."
"No I want to pay baby girl, your my princess and I'm going to treat you like one too."
Aww, your so sweet, I love you baby!"

We had a pretty cool park on our neighbor too so we decided to go there. Their wasn't anybody there except for us. Hunter went straight for the swings he sat down and told me to go sit on his lap. I sat so I was facing him and I
Just grabbed his neck and pecked his cheek, while smiling. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and gave me a hug and than held onto my waist and started kissing me.
"I love you so much baby girl!" He soda into the kiss
"I love you more" I also said into the kiss
"That's not even possible he said looking at me and giving me another kiss.

We started seeing little kids coming and decided to get going, their was a huge soccer field right next to the park so we just laid in the grass looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky. We've been there for about a half an hour and decided to get going before it got dark.

Hunter took my hand and we stared to walk. I was walking and didn't see this huge crack in the sidewalk and I took a step and I rolled my ankle and we both fell, well he fell on top of me because I sorta dragged him down since we were holding hands. He got up right away and my ankle was in a shock of pain. It hurt really bad. I couldn't even get up.
"Baby girl, are you ok?"
"No my ankle hurts really bad, I can't even get up, it really hurts!"
"It's gonna be ok baby"

Hunter grabbed my hand and I was I standing on the opposite foot. "It still hurts I can't walk on it"
"Here get on my back baby" I got on hunters back and he started walking back towards his house. He laid me down on his bed. "Here lay here and I'll be right back" he got an ice pack from the freezer and brought it right away, he laid it on my ankle. "It still hurts, the ice pack stings it a little bit."
"I know baby, but the ice pack is gonna help stop it from getting it anymore swollen."

Than all of a sudden we heard the door opening to hunters room.

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