Ch 30

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*** Adriana's Pov ***

I cant wait to go see Ashton and Brandon it's been a while and I miss my homie g's

Hunter and I had to take a quick shower together just so we wouldn't be late

I go to my closet to pick out an outfit, but I would look ugly in everything in here "babe?"


"You pick out an outfit for me, please!?"

"How come?"

"Because I would look ugly in all of this stuff plus I'm going to look fat!"

"Aww princess don't worry about it you look gorgeous in any outfit you pick out."

"Ahh you're making this harder on me" i say as he's giggling and I start to giggle a bit too

I just throw on a shirt and put some joggers on and slip my shoes on and than we head on out the door

**** 35 min later ****

Hunters Pov

We finally arrive at my house and I hear Ashton running down the stairs "Hunter!!!"

"Aye Ashton I've missed you buddy!" I say giving him a gigantic hug

Adrianna soon walks into the house and Ashton let's go of my grip and runs up to her "Adrianna omg you're here!!"

"Omg hey buddy I've missed you!"

"No I've missed you guys like crazy." we hear Ashton say and giggle a bit

"Ashton guess what?"

"What Hunter?"

"You're going to be an uncle very soon, doesn't that sound exciting!!!?"

"Yes!!, have you figured out the gender?"

"Yea it's going to be a girl."

"Haha mom called it!!!" Except that wasn't coming from Ashton it came from the stairs

Than all of a sudden I see a Brando walking downstairs all ready to go

"You guys ready to leave?"

"Yep." They both said in unison and we went back to the car to go school shopping

Our main store we had to go to was office max mainly because they have every single thing you need for school and plus they were having sales all day

We stopped at Panda Express to grab a bite to eat since we've been shopping all day

"Hey hunter can we go to Hollister since I need some new clothes for school too?"

"Yea of course Brandon, haha I remember always begging mom to take us to Hollister and we would model in the stores wanting to be Hollister models."

"Yea those were the days."

Ashton and Adrianna left us and I don't know where they went but I didn't worry about it since she does have Ashton who can be pretty protective about people sometimes and I would trust her too

So Brandon and I walked into Hollister and there I saw someone I never wanted to see ever again in my entire life

Sorry guys I really am, brb got to go write a couple more chapters

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