Ch 4

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It was a Friday and my parents and hunters mom went out of town to go have some, peace and quiet  from the kids they said. So of course my brother was on the computer and my brother Andrew knew that hunter and I wanted some alone time, so he told Brandon and Ashton to go to our house and they would play cool video games and they could stay the night.

So I went to go stay with hunter at his house. I walked in and he said "finally now we can spend the night just you and I!" He came up to me and gave me a kiss.
"Where did that come from?"
"I just wanted to kiss my baby girl"

I looked at him and said "race you to your room!"  He picked me up and he said "ah na na, you don't know which one my room was" and he picked me up bridal style and took me to his room. He asked me if I wanted to broadcast with him and I said "ummm, you're gonna  tell your fans about me, idk?"
"It's gonna be fine ok"
"How about I stay on your bed and when I feel ready I'll show myself"
"Ok baby girl, whatever you want"
So Hunter started broadcasting I stayed on his bed
"Hey beautiful!, how's your day going?"
"I have someone I want you to meet!"
I see him coming towards me and grabs me by the waist and puts me in front of the camera and than kissed my cheek
and I could see the comments were blowing up with (who is she, she's ugly, omg she has 4 eyes) but a lot were very sweet (omg she's so pretty, you guys make a cute couple, I wish I was as pretty as her) "hunter what are you doing I didn't say I was ready!"
"Yea, I know but I can't keep my love for you a secret"
He kissed me on the lips, in front of the camera?
(Comments) [hunter stop don't kiss her! She's ugly AF!!, why would you want to kiss her!, stop stop stop! I'm going to kill myself now!!!]
"Guys calm down she's my girlfriend, I love her!" We ended the broadcast about 45 minutes in and went downstairs to decide what to do.

We decided to make sundaes, but we didn't have the ingredients. So we penny boarded to Walgreens and got sundae stuff!! We got these big bowls and put icecream and chocolate syrup and all that yummy goodness. We ended up having a whip cream fight and we were a mess. He ended up grabbing me by the waist and I put whip cream on his nose and face and he kissed me, we ended up making out for about 6 min. (Haha not counting😂)

I told him I had to go take a shower.
"Don't be long!" He yelled  after I took one he took one too, well because we were a mess, we ate our delicious sundaes. We also ended up getting a whole bunch of candy. (We went a bit overboard) we snuggled up on the couch and watched batman and ate literally almost all of the candy we bought.

The movie ended and we went up to his room, he pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time now"
He laid on his bed and told me to come over I propped myself on his waist and  started kissing his neck. He rolled us over so now he was on my waist.
We  laid side by side as he took his shirt off. He wrapped his arms around me and he just whispered in my ear "I love you princess" and pecked my cheek and I fell asleep in his arms again.

I awaken to him not there in bed and I panicked. I went downstairs and I smelled something really good. I saw hunter attempting to make pancakes and bacon. "How did my princess sleep?"
"Very well" I started crying. Hunter automatically stops what he's doing and goes over to me and hugs me and ask "what's wrong princess?"
"I just got scared that you left me this morning and you just weren't there and I panicked"
"It's ok princess I'm here, I'm never going to leave your side, I love you to much to ever leave you." And I finally stopped crying and we ate the delicious meal he made.

Our parents were still gone so we still had some time to spend. So we decided to go out.

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