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   I am going to be honest and say the real reason why I'm writing this book, I'm gonna leave the deep excuses behind, like "we're all gonna die and I want y'all to know how much I care" or "life is too short to pretend to be rough", no, the real reason is this:
  I got on a Moroccan plane and I saw my life flash before my eyes and I thought I was gonna die, so I promised myself that if I survived, I'd write about the people that really matter.
   Well, as you can see, I survived.

This is about my friends, about the people that have been there for me, and those who haven't, those I have loved, those I have lost.
   For everyone I've ever met, has a piece of me between their hands, even tho most of them are unconscious about it.

My loved ones; a journey.Where stories live. Discover now