Heartbroken rapper.

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"Not this time b**ch, go get the sewing kit".

Behind his words lay a bit of me:
How I've already broken a heart,
How I forgot to mend it back.

But he still thinks I'm perfect,
And he still tells me everything,
How he thinks that's she's the one,
How he loves her more than anyone before.

He tells me everything because I'm open minded
Because I've never judged him before,
And he's never judged me neither,
So we talk freely about anything we want.

He knows every girl in school,
And many of my friendships started through him,
He is very social,
And he never judges anyone,
But even though all the pretty girls in his contact list,
He always turns to me for advice.

And even though I disapprove his Eminem-like rhymes sometimes,
He knows that I will always support him
through everything he decides to do.

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