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January 13, 2011
Princess Julia Kerrington and her parents, the king and queen of Hanova, were enjoying a tea when they were ushered outside because of an "emergency". But the king and queen both knew that was only the code to know that the surprise party for Julia was ready. As soon as they entered the garden and Julia saw everything she shrieked in happiness she hugged her parents and kissed their cheeks, thanking them for what they did. Even her best friend, Prince Jackson Colt of Parrington was invited. She ran up to him and gave him a big hug while  kissed her on the cheek and wished her a happy birthday. He gave her a ring with a reddish-pink gem in the center, a garret, her birthstone. Everything was perfect. Julia blew out her candles.
"What did you wish for, dear?" her mother asked.
"Well, everything is so perfect now, I just wish things will always be this way," Julia said smiling brightly.
After eating cake, Jackson pulled Julia aside.
"I need to tell you something important," he said nervously. He had been thinking of telling her how he felt for a year now and he was tired of being a wimp.
"Yes?" she asked sweetly. Julia was hoping he was about to say what she thought. She had liked him for a year now and was hoping he would say something.
"I-" his words were cut off by a gunshot and a scream. They turned their heads to see the queen clutching at her heart and slowly falling to the ground as blood dripped down her front. Another gunshot and the king fell, blood staining his crown one more shot but before it could hit Julia, Jackson stepped in front of her taking a bullet to the arm. He fell clutching his arm. Julia screamed and fell to the ground. She grabbed the now unconscious Jackson's face and hugged him. She then crawled to her parents and cried her heart out. They were dead. If only she hadn't told them her wish it might have come true.
Julia cried and cried and cried. She didn't leave her bed the whole day. At around midnight, there came a knock.
"Jules, it's me," Jackson said. She knew it was him as soon as he said "Jules".
She immediately ran to the door, pulled him inside and closed it. She pulled him to her tightly and sobbed into his chest, not worrying about the cast his arm was in.
"Julia what's wrong?" he asked. The last thing he could remember was eating cake at her party.
"My parents and-and you got shot. They're gone, J," she managed to get out in between sobs. "I thought you were dead. You took that last bullet for me."
Julia pulled back a little to look into his eyes. He pulled her lips to his and kissed her with so much compassion Julia gasped. But then she kissed him back. After a couple of seconds, Julia pulled back.
"Run away with me," she whispered.
"We both know that neither of us can do that. I have to go back to Parrington and you have to stay here to train and become queen," Jackson said quietly.
"What happened to telling me you would never leave me a year ago, Jackson? I fell in love with you that night and I thought you did too," she said her voice cracking.
"I love you and that's why we can't leave. Stay, for your parents, your country...and me," Jackson said. She kissed him and then he was about to leave.
"Stay with me, please," Julia begged. He nodded and pulled her close and she waited until his hold became loose and his breathing evened out. She gave him one last kiss. She opened his hand and placed the ring into it. Then she climbed out the window and ran into the night. But the Julia Kerrington that left the castle of Hanova that night never returned.
Please comment on what you think of this story. I promise I won't be deleting this story. I have a good feeling about it and know that it is one to be finished.

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