One shot remade

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(Hey reader-chans I had decided that this story could use some touch ups *cough*a lot*cough* so here this one-shot re created by yours truly. Enjoy~)

Watching trees pass by the window, I finding myself getting quite bored. "So, why do I have to go to this ball again mother?" I sighed, rubbing one my poor aching temples. "You know exactly why (Y/n), Sir Trancy was generous enough to give us an invitation and this would help with our.." she coughed slightly then finished with "debt." Growling I replied "Why do I have to fix fathers problems?!?"

She didn't say anything after that. Father had died two years ago, sure it was sad but he left us in such a debt that I had to marry to fix it. "Sorry" I muttered quietly. Mother smiled and patted my hand "that's alright dear." Finally the couch pulled to a stop, then the door opened to revel a tall, pale, black haired butler. His glasses shined slightly do to the lights coming from the manor behind him.

"Welcome Mistresses" he bowed slightly, then held his hand out to mother, which she took quite flirtatiously, making me roll my eyes. Once out, his gloved hand reached for mine repeating the actions he had done earlier to mother. Slowly, I placed my hand into his, allowing him to pull me out of the cart. I shuddered once out, I didn't like that guy. Mother on the other hand...let's just say she was going to be busy tonight.

Glancing upward, I took in the manor. It was quite big. I look over to mother to find... she wasn't there. GREAT. Grumbling, I made my way up the stair way that lead to the great oak doors. I looked in awe, the inside was much better then the outside. Everything was in a golden color. Stepping into the ballroom, I continued to look around. Though something No one was in sight.

"Hello?" I called out, looking under tables and opening random doors that were in the room. No body was found but me. "I want her Hannah.." I male British voice called out. Turning around quickly I see a female rushing toward me and a blonde boy in the background grinning. "W-Wha-" I was cut off by the woman pressing a spot on my neck making everything go black.

But I swear the last thing I heard was a faint "I'm so sorry"

Awaking I find I'm in a bed with pink/purpleish covers over my small body. In fact, the whole room was manly this color making me question where I was. I tried sitting up but a weight held me down. A arm. Over my waist. "W-What!" I squeaked in shock. Moving over to face the culprit I find that blonde kid that I saw before I pasted out. I thought he would be asleep, but no, he was wide awake grinning at my expression.

"Good morning~" He said in a sing song voice. Gulping I managed a soft morning in return. In a quick motion he threw off the covers that was placed over us. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. "Hannah!!" Blondie yelled and soon there was the same woman that had knocked me out appeared in the room. "Get her washed and changed, then bring here down the breakfast." He said monotone. 'He must be bi polar..' I think to myself.

He soon left the room, making me face the woman. She was quite beautiful. She had sun kissed skin, pale purple hair that was braided down her back. A white and purple bow sat on her head. And to set off the look was a white and purple long maid's dress.

"This way, my Lady" she softly spoke. I nodded slightly following her into the next room.


Once washed, I was dressed into this ( My cheeks went to a slight pink. "U-Um Hannah.." I called, causing her to turn and look at me. "Yes Miss?" she replied going to the door and holding it for me. I nodded in a thank you than continued. "What is that boy's name?" I asked still blushing. She chuckled at my question "That is my master, Alois Trancy."

"I-I see.. " and with that we started down the hall. This manor was ridiculously huge. It took about 2 minutes to reach the dinning room. Hannah opened the door that lead to the said room, bowing slightly she allowed me to enter. Taking my seat in front a sunny side up egg with bacon, sausage, tomatoes and tea. I slightly smiled to my self then looked up to meet Alois's eye. He grinned then started to chat with Hannah.

"Hannah, don't you find fired eggs rather pathetic? Nakedly exposed for all eyes to see. Indeed they almost look like eyes themselves. But they will never become eyes or anything of course but my breakfast." he said looking down at the said egg, poking it the a butter knife "All that possibility wiped out because of me.." then he got rougher with the knife, causing the yolk to break.

He then glanced at Hannah with a glare that sent chills up my spine. Placing the knife on the rim of his glass he pulled forward, causing purple juice to go all over his legs and the table. "Hannah" he muttered with venom. She rushed over to his aid, and started cleaning up the mess. But as soon as she touched him, he screamed causing the maid to stop and look up at him in worry. I myself was concerned but that all faded once he grinned evilly and started chuckling.

"Yes truly pathetic indeed.." He said, still grinning. He then turned to face Hannah, raising his hand two fingers out he placed them into her left eye. My eyes widen at the sight. Holding back a scream I slowly began shaking. "Hasn't Claude taught you any better?" he asked innocently, placing his other hand on her head to hold her still.

"A maid mustn't look directly at her master, it's rude." He continued to move his fingers around, making blood sweep out slowly. "Do forgive me, Claude would be most upset if I don't punish you.." with that said he pulled out his fingers letting go of her head letting her drop to the floor like a doll. He turned and grinned at me. "What's wrong (Y/n)? " I yelped and stood up terrified. "Y-YOU!" I quickly made my way to Hannah helping her up "Take her" I asked the triplets, which they took no time in doing so.

"Why did you do that?!" I shouted terrified. He smirked pulling me onto his lap. Pink dusted my cheeks "Wh-" I was silenced by him placing something around my neck. Confused I lift my hand to touch the material. Leather. It was a collar. "Now your mine. forever." I could feel tears well up in my eyes. He pushed me off of him, letting me fall to the floor. I gasped in pain, the tears now falling freely. He grinned wider then stood the hooked a leash onto my collar. "PATHETIC!" He laughed.

"Claude, knock her out." He smirked as the said butler followed orders making me fall to the floor unconscious.

The only thing that ran through my head at that moment was

'Here starts the Nightmare.'

Till Next Time~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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Alois trancy X reader ~Yandere~  (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now