3: Did she just quote selena gonez?

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I walked out on the beach seeing a group of kids playing around in the sand while others were splashing each other. I find being in a familiar area relaxing. Back home in New York, I lived right next to a beach, so after being so lost in a new town this is just what I needed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Cameron asked from behind.

"Going to the lifeguard stand.." I replied.

"Oh no princess, that's my job. I sit, you swim," I heard. Shortly after, I was deathened by the sound of a loud screech.

"Camey!!!! I've missed you so much!!!!" A short blonde girl said wrapping her arms around Cameron.

"Kimberly... I haven't seen you since 5th period today. Relax, it's been 3 hours..." Cameron said rolling his eyes.

"Baby, that was so long ago... I feel like it's been a year without rain when you aren't with me."

Umm did she just quote Selena Gomez?

I shook my head as I turned around and started to climb the lifeguard stand. I reached the top and used binoculars to watch people swim.

"Hey, sweetheart, come down here for a bit," a deep muscular voice said. I looked over my side to see a deep tan and a smile.

"Who..me?" I said pointing into my chest.

He laughed and nodded his head. I began walking down and he moved to the front of the stand. Suddenly, one of the boards broke and I lost balance. I fell with not even a whisper leaving my lips; just as I thought I was going to land, a pair of arms wrapped under my legs and back.

Surprised, I look up and see my savior having a pair of deep brown eyes. I let out a sigh of relief and lean my head into his shoulder and laugh alittle.

"My name is Natalie by the way, and I have no clue who you are but I think we are going to be great friends."

My savior laughed and kept me in his arms. "My name is Alex and I hope you aren't planning to kidnap me..." Alex said with a playful glint in his eyes.

I ran my hand down his chest and sighed,"nope, sorry. I like a man with meat," I said and grabbed his arm," and this is not meat."

I tried to keep a serious face but i couldn't so I just buried my head into his chest and laughed.

Suddenly I was dropped and my first instinct was to catch myself so I kept my arm out infront of me.

I landed on my right arm and cursed quietly.

Note to self: FALLING STILL HURTS IN SAND!!!!!! :).

I look up to punch Alex with my left arm but saw that Cameron beat me to it.

"Cameron!" I yelled and ran over to him. I started pulling his arm away from Alex and he shrugged it off. I did the only thing I could think of at the moment, which I'm starting to think wasn't a good idea.

I crawled on top of Alex and covered my face, hoping I wouldn't get hit by someone as strong as Cameron. I began to hear panting and opened my arms slightly to see Cameron breathing down my face.

He quickly scooped me up and held me out infront of me. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"What the hell were you thinking?..." I asked in nearly a whisper only to get Cameron shaking his head in reply.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Alex, who was standing up with a bruise forming on his cheek. "Hey, I'm sorry about him, but I go to Laguna High so I will just see you there."

Alex nodded and walked away and I jumped off of Cameron.

"How did you manage to get under me?" Cameron asked faintly.

I shrugged ,"nothing some hard work can't accomplish," and to empathize it, I dusted my hands off. Only, it hurt.


I grunted and dropped my arm to my side and Cameron immediately picked it up to examine it. "Jesus Natalie, why didn't you mention this earlier?"

I looked down and gasped at the black and blue bruise forming already. "I was kinda busy with something else," I said sighing.

"I'm driving you to the ER," Cameron said and I nodded and turned around to walk to the parking lot only to step on a blondes thigh and the wooden board from the lifeguard stand next to her.


"Let's just say I've broken up with girls rudely but the girl getting hit by a wooden plank is a little harsher then usual."

I started laughing really hard and stopped when I realized something.

"Cameron, I can't afford going to the hospital. "

"It's okay, I'm sure your mom can come and handle it," he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Cameron, my mom died this week from cancer. We really don't have the money right now, the treatments ran us dry. "

He noticeably tensed and rubbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that Nat. "

"Yeah I am too." I said shaking my head.

"Hey, I broke my wrist once and I still have the cast. It was one of those velcro ones so it should fit. " Cameron said.

"Oh thanks, that sounds great, but I have to drive my car back home so I'll give you my number and you can drop it off. Is that okay with you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that's fine." He said literally throwing his phone in the air for motto catch, luckily I did. I typed it in and handed it back to him. "See you then." I told him and ran over to my car as we parted ways. Well, no time like the present to start driving one handed.

Guys, this is important.


Okay, so the wifi is out at my house so I don't get a long time to type this story. So, I'm writing this chapter short and late and rushed and poorly written. And I'm sorry. So, keep commenting and if I get 5 votes plus 10 comments I'll go to McDonald's or something to type this lol. Right now that's were I am! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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