Chapter 1

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Dinah and I sat on my bed, her laptop on her lap and mine in my lap, scrolling through tumblr. It wasn't unusual for us to be up late on our computers, it seemed like it was starting to be a routine since our group of friends decided to abandon us for the summer. Sure, it kind of sucked since our plans were canceled, but I didn't mind spending time with my best friend; we've been best friends since kindergarten.
"Lauren?" Dinah said after a while of the both of us sitting in silence, scrolling through our dashboards.
"Hm?" I said, looking over at her, watching her stretch out her arms as she smiled at me.
"Okay, I am super comfortable, and extremely tired, but I am so hungry. Will you pleaseee go downstairs and bring up some snacks?" She pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip, pouting at me.
"Ugh. Diiiinaaah." I whined, throwing my arms up dramatically. "I can't! I have a sleepy puppy on my lap, you don't want to wake up Dash, do you?" I said, pointing to the very tired dog on my legs. "I don't want to disturb him."
"You suck!" She said before groaning as she stood up. "You're lucky I love Dash or I'd make you go down and get us food."
"Love you, DJ!"
"Yeah, yeah! I'll be right back." She stuck out her tongue after she spoke, then walked out my door and headed downstairs.

As I waited for Dinah, I continued to scroll down my dashboard, reblogging things that caught my interest. After a few minutes I decided to take a picture of Dash and I, so I lifted him up and kissed his forehead.

'Hanging out with this wild animal while we wait for Dinah to come back upstairs with snacks! She is taking forever by the way.'

After typing the caption and posting the picture, I smiled to myself, letting Dash re-situate himself on my lap. I continued to aimlessly scroll through tumblr as I waited for my friend, then I noticed I received a notification. Not very unusual since a lot of people are on this website late, but it was a new follower. That caught my attention even more because I rarely get new followers. I decided to check out the blog, see if I maybe knew this person. While I looked through her blog, I noticed her icon, and she was unbelievably why not look through her 'selfie' page that she had? After a few minutes of looking at this girls pictures, I decided to follow her back, not going to lie, mostly because she was insanely cute, but also she reblogged some things that I liked, she seemed like an intriguing person. Maybe I should send her a message.
"I'm back!" I heard Dinah say, interrupting me mid-thought. "And I brought you a water too, because I'm nice." She said with a grin as she tossed me the bottle of water before closing my door again.
"Thank you." I giggled as I tried to twist the cap off. It wouldn't budge. "Um..can you open this for me? I can't get it." I whispered, handing her my water.
"Oh my god, you are so weak." Dinah laughed as she took my water bottle, twisting the cap off in one simple movement. "There you go." She said as she handed it back to me.
"Psh. I loosened it for you." I teased then took back the bottle and took a sip of water. "Thank you." I said then playfully nudged her. "Okay, so, I posted a picture of me and Dash while you were gone, and this one girl liked it and she followed me, so I went on her blog and she's really really cute. So I followed her back. Should I message her?"
"Lauren. Shut up! You're rambling!" Dinah said as she laughed. "You ramble so much when you're nervous or whatever. But first of all, don't message her yet because that might seem pushy. Second of all, what's this girls URL? I need to check her out." She grinned.
"You're right. I should wait. And her URL is waakeme-up." I said with a small smile.
"Does she have a page of pictures of just her? Like a selfie page?"
"Yes, she does." I replied quickly.
"Well dang, that was a fast reply. Did you stalk this girl or something?"
"I did not stalk her!" I complained, covering my face. "I just wanted to see what she looked like!"
"Whateeeever you want to call it!" She said with a smirk, causing me to nudge her yet again.

We spent about an hour looking through her blog, then Dinah passed out. She was always the first to fall asleep, she sure did love her sleep. I stayed up for a bit, continuing to aimlessly scroll on tumblr. After a while, I refreshed my dashboard since I had new posts to look at. As I waited for it to load, I stood up and turned off my big light, keeping my bedside lamp on, then sat back down on my bed and placed my laptop back on my lap. As I looked at my computer, I noticed a tiny red box with a '1' in it on my message box, indicating I had a new message. Hm. I went over and clicked the message, biting my lip as it loaded.

From waakeme-up:
Hiiii! I hope this isn't weird, but I saw your picture you posted and I couldn't help but notice how incredibly gorgeous your eyes are. Maybe that is weird? Oh well. Also, your puppy is incredibly cute! What's his name? Xoxo- Camila

I was kind of shocked when I read the message. I was going to message her! "Dinah," I whispered, shaking her. "Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, Dinah!" I yelled, smiling widely.
"What the hell!" She said tiredly as she rolled over to face me, rubbing her eyes at the brightness of my laptop. "What! Is there a fire or something? Did you need to wake me up?" She said while pulling the blanket up to her chin.
"She messaged me! The girl. And her name is Camila! What a pretty name." I said with a smile.
"You seriously woke me up for this?" She said before sighing. "Well, I'm up. What did she say?" Dinah asked, smiling at me for encouragement.
"She said that Dash is really cute. And that she thinks my eyes are really gorgeous." I repeated, slightly feeling my cheeks heat up.
"I woke me up for this? I'm real happy for you, honestly, I am. But dang, I could've understood if she called you cute but everyone knows your eyes are great, they're so unique." She said before yawning. "I'm sorry. That was mean."
"No, it's okay. You're tired. What do I say back?" I said while looking down at Dinah.
"I'm not sure, I'm half asleep. But after you reply, can you go on your phone? Use the tumblr app. Your laptop light is kind of annoying." She giggled. "Love you, Laur. Update me in the morning." She whispered then rolled back on her side so her back was facing me.
"Love you too, D. Goodnight." I whispered with a smile.
I slowly ran my hand through my hair, trying to think of what to say. Usually I'm good at this stuff, but something about this made me want to not be pushy and mess it up. I softly chewed my lower lip and drummed my fingertips against my keyboard as I thought of what to say.

To waakeme-up:
Actually that's not the strangest thing I've received in a message on here, so I think you're good! Thank you, by the way! It's weird, I was going to message you. Save wave length, maybe? Aha. Also, my puppy says thank you! His name is Dash, he's a pretty cool guy! -Lauren

After I typed out the message, I pressed send then sighed. Maybe she would forgive my lameness since it was so late at night. I quickly closed my laptop and set it on my nightstand so Dinah could get some sleep. I took a few minutes to let myself get situated in bed before turning off my lamp, then I grabbed my phone and plugged it into my charger. "Come here, Dashy! Come on, boy!" I whispered, encouraging him to jump up on my bed. Once I felt him snuggle into my side, I softly pet him then smiled. "Good boy." I whispered then laid on my side and unlocked my phone. I quickly opened my tumblr app so I could check to see if Camila replied. After reblogging a few things I saw on my dashboard that caught my eye, I went to my message box. And sure enough, there was another message.

From waakeme-up:
Aw! What a cute name for a cute puppy! And I do believe you when you say it's not the creepiest message, there are some weirdos on here! But that's funny how I ended up messaging you first, I felt a bit intimidated at first because you are gorgeous. I'm rambling. Gah. Great, Camila! Anyways. Tell me about Dash. And most importantly, tell me about you. :) Xoxo- Camila

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