Chapter 3.

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Quick note! I'm going to do the FaceTime session in two parts, so it'll just roll over into chapter four because I have a lot of ideas for this part and I don't want to mash it up into one chapter. Okay, that's all! Enjoy! xoxo


Camila and I had been texting and snapchatting for a couple of weeks now. It really did feel longer than two weeks because we got to know so much about each other. It probably felt like it was a lot longer since we talked nonstop during the day. And night. We would stay up all night talking about things we liked, flirting, our families, our friends, our dreams in life. It was really nice, I was really starting to like Camila a lot. She told me about her best friends Ally and Normani, and how she told everyone she liked girls and how much support everyone gave her. I told her only Dinah, a few of my other friends, and my siblings were the only ones who knew; I have yet to come out to my parents.

It was Saturday, exactly three weeks from when we first started talking. And Camila thought we should FaceTime, it was her brilliant idea, so of course I spent the entire day extremely nervous.
"Dinah what if I say something wrong and make a complete fool of myself?!" I said while looking through my closet for something to wear. I was facetiming Dinah because she always knew what to say and do to calm me down.
"Lauren, take a deep breath. It's okay. You've been talking for a few weeks, I don't think you're gonna scare her off now. You two seem like you've gotten really close. Plus aren't your parents out of town? You can talk as loud as you want, they won't hear you so that's also one less thing you have to worry about." She said while looking through her phone.
"What do I even wear?" I said, completely ignoring everything she just said because my mind was so flustered.
"Hoi." Dinah said, realizing I ignored her. Giggling, she simply shrugged and looked into her computer camera at me. "I don't know? Don't wear anything fancy, you're facetiming her. Not taking her to an elegant restaurant!" She said with a laugh.
"Yeah, but it's our first time on FaceTime! Our first time talking face to face!"
"Just wear a t-shirt. Or sweatshirt. Seriously, Lauren. She is in something comfortable too."
"Wait, she's in a sweatshirt too? Dinah how do you know that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Were you snapchatting her?!"
"Um....Yes. We snapchat all the time, jeez! She's on my best friends list, under you. I had to make sure she was cool enough for my best friend." Dinah said with a giggle. "She's cool. I like her."
"Well damn." I said with a laugh. "I'm glad I have your approval!"
"You're welcome! But yeah, I don't think she's gonna change. Like I said, FaceTime. Not a fancy night out."
"Okay, fine. If you're wrong, I-.." Buzz. Buzz.

From Camz💗 :
Hey, you! Are you almost ready?

"You what?" Dinah said. "Helloooo? Lauren? Did she text you?"
"Sorry, yeah she did. She asked if I was almost ready." I said before quickly typing on my phone.
"Psh, not at all. You're still prancing around in your sports bra!" Dinah said with a laugh. "Hey, I gotta go, we are about to leave to my brothers football game. Let me know how everything went! Oh, and wear that burgundy crew neck, that makes your eyes pop. Love ya!" She said.
"Thanks, D! Love you too!" I said before she hung up.

To Camz💗 :
Hello, cutie! Yeah, I am almost ready, sorry for such a delay. I'm extremely nervous and I don't know why🙈

From Camz💗 :
You're probably nervous because it's our first date! Hopefully that didn't make you more nervous, oh gosh, good job, Camila! Make your date more nervous than she already is! Anyways, take your time!(but also hurry because I can't wait to see your cute face!)

Reading her message made me blush like crazy. So this was our first 'date'? That did make me a bit more nervous, but I knew I would be fine once I saw her...hopefully. I put on my burgundy sweater, took in a deep breath, and exhaled. I could do this. I wanted to do this. I wanted to see Camila and talk to her for hours. I wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh that wouldn't just be in an audio message this time. I had to do this.

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