Here's chapter 4 again cause it isn't showing up on the website :/
I'm back! I hope you enjoy the
Monica spun around and saw someone she never thought she would see again.
"Rachel" she asked shocked.
"Oh thank god it's you, your mom said you lived here and-" Rachel said rushing over to Monica. She was in a wedding dress and her brown hair was tangled in curls, her eyes were red and her face was flushed.
"Um what are you doing here" she asked handing Daniel over to Chandler.
"It's a long story" she said throwing her arms around Monica. "Lets just say I'm currently homeless and I was wondering if I could stay with you" she added with a small smile.
"I-" Monica started but was cut off by Daniel.
"Mommy" she turned around and saw Daniel was awake probably from the talking.
"Um, yes honey" she saw the shocked glance of Rachel in the corner of her eye.
"It's cold" Daniel said his tiny body shaking as he held on to Chandler.
"Let's get inside" Monica said gesturing for them to follow her. Her mind was racing. They followed her into her apartment, the sound of Daniel quiet snoring and the small sobs of Rachel were the only noise. "Here I'll take Daniel" Monica told Chandler once they were in her small apartment unit. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked.
"You betcha" Chandler said and gave her a hug making sure he wasn't smothering Daniel. "Bye" he walked out of the room, leaving a tired Daniel, a clueless Rachel and a scared Monica.
"Let me put Daniel to bed" Monica said. "Um you can make yourself comfortable" Monica left Rachel and walked into Daniel's room, because he was so tired she didn't bother putting on his pjs. She tucked him in and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight my superman". She walked out scared for the conversation she was about to have with her best friend. Rachel was on the couch and Monica could hear her soft crying. She grabbed a tissue box off the table in the kitchen and handed it to her while she sat on the couch beside Rachel.
"Thanks" Rachel said and took the tissue out of the box and blew into it. "Was that Daniel's father" she asked quietly.
"Oh Chandler, no he works with me" Monica said. "Um Daniel's father left me when he found out I was pregnant" she looked down at her hands which were in her lap.
"I'm so sorry Mon, if I had known I would have been there with you" Rachel said placing a hand on Monica's shoulder. "You know, you and that Chandler guy would make a cute couple, he's kinda hot"
"RACHEL" Monica said looking up at her.
"What?, how about explaining to me why you are in a wedding dress"
"Um, I met a guy in college and well he proposed and I said yes" Rachel said. "But at the last moment I couldn't do it, I mean I'm only 19, my life hasn't even started yet" she smoothed down her dress which had a few fragments of mud on it. "And I was wondering if I could stay with you and Daniel" she grabbed Monica's hands. "Please"
"I-I guess"
"Thank you so much Mon" Rachel threw her arms around Monica hugging her.
"But you can't bring any boys home, not when Daniel is here" Monica said breaking the hug, she began playing with the friendship bracelet, it was something she found her self doing whenever she was nervous.