Chapter 7

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"We got the test results back and-" he looked down at the sheet in front of him and back up to Monica who held onto Chandler, afraid if she let go she would fall. "Everything looks great, we don't know yet what caused him to pass out so we are going to need him to stay overnight, that way we can do more test results"

"C-Can I see him" Monica asked.

"Of course, he's in the room down the hall and take a left, he said gesturing with his hand. "Room 205"

"Thank you" Monica said letting go of Chandler and ran down the hall. Chandler and Ross raced after her. Once Monica reached the room, she slowly opened it and wished she didn't let go of Chandler. Her head felt dizzy as she saw her boy lying in a hospital bed with a tube in his nose.

"Geez Monica, you're fast" Ross said out of breathe once he and Chandler reached Monica who was still standing in the doorway. Chandler poked his head in and saw Daniel in the bed. "So is that him" Ross asked.

"Yeah" Monica whispered and walked over to the bed, sitting beside Daniel. "Baby, you there" she pushed back his hair which fell in his face. Monica tried to stop crying but they kept coming. Ross walked over to her hugging her.

"Mon, it's ok" he kissed her head, the way he use to do if she had a bad dream.

"I thought I lost him" she whispered.

"We all did" Chandler said quietly and sat at the chair beside Daniel.


2 hours later.

Daniel was still asleep, and Monica had gone to call someone. So that left Chandler and Ross alone.

"So" Ross said.

"Yeah" Chandler fiddled with his thumb. "I just found out yesterday that you two were related"

"Yeah, and would've told me" Ross asked.

"I probably would of talked to Monica first" Chandler replied and Ross nodded.

"It seems like you really care about Monica and Daniel"

"I do" Chandler said looking down at Daniel. "Um I'm hungry, do you want anything" he stood up.

"I'll have a cup of coffee" Ross said.

"Ok" Chandler walked out of the room leaving Ross with Daniel. All of a sudden Ross heard the rustling of sheets and saw Daniel's eyes flutter open revealing two big blue eyes.

"" Daniel asked weakly.

"I'm Ross" Ross said.

"My...mommy'" he asked.



"I guess"

"That'" Daniel said. ""

"You're in a hospital" Ross said. Daniel looked around, struggling to sit up.

"Um where's my mom" he said this time more with energy.

"She went out to call someone"

"And Chandler"

"He went to get something to eat"

"He's coming back, right" Daniel asked.

"Of course" Daniel smiled. The door swung open and Monica walked in with someone behind her.

"Mommy" Daniel screamed. She ran over to him wrapping her arms around him.

"Aw baby" she kissed his head repeatedly. "You feeling better" he nodded. "Ok good" she sat beside him on the bed, putting one of her arms around her as he leaned into her. Ross looked at Daniel and Monica and smiled, then he looked up to the person Monica came with.

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