New Feelings

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April could barely get sleep, tossing and turning in her bed thinking about the older twin.

Never did I think I'd lose sleep over her.

The Puerto Rican sighs, opening her room door and sees Nicole in the kitchen area once again, a mug of coffee already in front of her as she scrolls through her phone. AJ makes her way out, opting for the silent approach as she fixes herself some coffee before sitting across from the Bella.


"What is it?" Nikki questions.


"You've been staring at me for about a minute now. If you have something to say then say it."

"I didn't get any sleep last night and it's your fault."

"Oh is that so?" The older woman sips some of her coffee before setting it back onto the table. "And why would it be my fault?"

"I find it quite rude that you aren't giving me your full attention."

Nikki locks her phone, looking at April. "Happy?"

"What is up with you?"

"If this is leading to where I think it is, I'll pass." Nicole stands.


"Where it always goes. An argument. We never have rational conversations AJ."

"Well there's a first time for everything. Sit."

The Bella surprisingly obeys.

"So, repeat your question."

"You're being weird. I thought that last time was because you were gonna win the title and make me your slave but now-"


"Now...I don't know. You were supposed to return to your normal stuck up self but you didn't..."

"You think me being stuck up was normal?"

"It was. Our normal at least."


"Not like -ugh- yes. You were the cheerleader captain and I was the geek, we were two incredibly different people that were never supposed to cross paths. At least not on a friendly note."

"You know that's a stereotype. And besides, this isn't a movie or MTV TV show. I know my motives are always brought into question, but I wasn't acting like that because of the storyline."

"Then why were you acting like that?"

"Just because I wanted to. To see how it felt not to be the bitch in the Divas locker room. To feel like someone's friend, not the person they tolerate because in reality they only like Bri."

"God, she was right..." AJ says to herself, loud enough for Nikki to pick up on it.

"Who? Who was right?"

"Sorry, just talking out loud..."

"Right." She drinks some more of the brown liquid. "Don't think we're close or anything. I just...shared this with you to prevent us from arguing and waking up Bri. Our relationship hasn't changed."

"Oh ok." AJ holds back a smile, but fails.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing, Nikki."

"That's the first time I've heard you say my name without malice or anger laced with it."

"Like I said, there's a first time for everything."

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