I woke up remembering that Andrew had texted me that he needed to tell me something so I decided to text him
Y-Hey so what was it that you had to tell me?
A-Is it okay if I come over and tell you?
Y-Sure my parents are at work. What time?
A-Is 1 okay?
Y-Yupp see you then
I didn't bother checking the time because knowing me I already wake up around 12 so I quickly grabbed a towel so I could shower. After I was done I decided on a white timber with blue stitching on it( the picture wouldn't upload sorry 😰) it was simple yet nice, I mean he's only coming over to talk. I contemplated on whether I should wear makeup or not. I think natural would be fine so no make up and I blow dried my hair, straightened it then put it in a messy bun. I grabbed an apple from my mini fridge, grabbed my MacBook and put on Netflix just to kill time when Andrew gets here.
Andrew's pov
I hoped in the shower and just put on some jeans and a flannel on and I just sorta messed with my hair until I was satisfied with it. I grabbed my HoverBoard(yup you guessed it jk lol) and began riding to y/n's house. I'm so glad her parents are at work to because I don't know why but I think it would be awkward. Soon I reached y/n's house and I rang the doorbell. I waited until the door opened "Hey" she said. God she looked gorgeous
Your pov
"Hey" I said with a smile motioning for him to come in. "Hey y/n, so umm" he seemed really nervous but I pushed the thought away and focused on him "Let's go in my room" we came to my room and we sat on the bed "So the thing that i wanted to tell you was that..." He paused for a moment which anticipated me even more "I-I like you, y/n" he nervously said. I just sat there in shock of what he just told me "I knew I should've said anything sorry y/n" he said as he was getting up to leave "Andrew wait!" I said grabbing his wrist then letting go. He turned around and sat back on the bed facing me
"I like you to" I smiled(showing your dimples) and blushed.
"REALLY!?" He replied in shock which I dunno why because I thought it was quite obvious that I had a crush on him. "Yes" I smiled "well baby girl will you be my girlfriend?" He asked
I actually wanted to make the ending said where you said no because you have a long distance relationship with your boyfriend but then I was like nah. But anyways I updated at 2:03 in the morning😂