Smosh Games

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Smosh Games started out as a channel that combinded the forces of Ian, Anthony, Mari, Joshua Ovenshire, David Moss (Lasercorn), and Matthew Sohinki to play humorous video games that will bring joy to the audience. since the channel has started, it went from 6 member to 8; adding Wesley Johnson and Amra Ricketts (Flitz or Nerdsworth). Since the new additions, Smosh Games have made a few other changes. Making "Gametime with Smosh" to "Gametime with Smosh Games". So instead of it being just Ian and Anthony, it is now any 2-3 combination of the Smosh Games crew. Not only that but Ian and Anthony have been making less appearances on the channel, making alot of fans upset. Now here's my opinion.

Obviously Ian and Anthony are making less appearances because of other past and present projects such as the movie, Food Battle the Game, main channel vids, and things outside of Smosh like interviews and guest appearances. So, sitting down and playing video games for hours hasn't exactly fit their agenda. Ian said in a recent interview with hunter from AwesomenessTV that now that the movie promoting is over he was hoping he can get time playing video games but instead him and anthony are spending their free time sleeping (explains alot since i thought they both seemed tired and sleep deprived these past few weeks). So possibly in the future we could be seeing more of the guys on Smosh Games but for now we can enjoy the entertainment from Mari, Joven, Lasercorn, Wes, Sohinki, and Flitz; whom i love since they are all hilarous and i'm really happy Ian and Anthony have hired them!

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